Chapter 8

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All this time I thought only my life was the saddest, it turns out that there is someone who is much sadder. He had to watch someone he loved die in his lap.

He took me to Summer Resto, whether it's coincidence or fate, but this is Taehyung's favorite restaurant, he always takes me here every weekend.

"How did you know?"

"Know what?" He turned to me.

"About this restaurant, it's not a famous restaurant and people rarely come here"

"This is Jimin's favorite place, he lives near here that's why we often eat here"

"It's strange, but in fact Taehyung and I also eat here often haha" I laughed a little.

This really doesn't make sense, could it be just a coincidence?

I sat by the window, and the waiter came over to us.

"Hello welcome, what would you like to order?"

"Carbonara pasta" We both answered at the same time and burst out laughing.

"To drink it?"

"Cola" answered in unison.

But this time he and I just stared at each other, the waiter left us in silence.


How could it be? Is this just a coincidence? But everything is the same, only the people are different.

"May I know your name? While we were talking you didn't mention your name."

"Ah yes, of course, i'm Seokjin, but call me Jin"

"Jin? weird, I feel like I've heard that name before, i'm Jungkook"

"Jungkook? wait a minute, have we met before?"

"Ahh yes I thought so too but why can't I remember where we met"

"But when I first saw you at the tomb, your face was familiar, like I've seen you many times"

"I think I remember where we met"




"Yeah, I hope my memory is correct, 6 months ago, I umbrellaed you on the beach at night, then saved you on the street and saved you from a pervert in a restaurant? That is you?"

I can see his expression change, I'm sure he's shocked, even I am shocked when I remember it.

"So it's you?"


"Yeah, the one who saved me in the restaurant bathroom?"

"Oh yeah, that's me"

He immediately grabbed my hand on the table.

"Thank you, you always save me but I always leave you without thank you"



After a long talk, and finished eating, I looked at my watch, it's 2 PM, I have to go, Yoongi asked me to meet him at 2.30 PM.

"Jungkook, I think I should go now"

"Oh okay, do you want me to take you home?"

"It's okay, I can take a bus or a taxi, I have to meet my friend first"

"Hmm okay, be careful"

"Okay, I'll go first, thanks for the treat"

"Thank you too for the flowers"

I left him and on the way to the bus stop, when I got to the stop I realized that my engagement ring wasn't on my finger. I panicked and started looking for it, but there was nowhere, I started crying.

Until a car stopped in front of me, someone got out and approached me.

"Hey Jin, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I turned to him.

"Jungkook?" I wipe my tears.

"What is it?"

"My ring, the ring that Taehyung gave me is missing"

"This?" He showed me the ring and put it on my finger.

"How could that be-"

"I don't know, but this ring is on the table, so I chased you, fortunately you are not far, now stop crying, take good care of this ring" He smiled at me.

"Thank you"

"Come in, I'll take you to your friend's place"


"No buts, come in"

While in the car I just stared at the ring on my finger, I wouldn't forgive myself if this ring really was lost.

NEVER BE THE SAME // JINKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now