Chapter 26

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When I arrived at the hospital, the nurse asked me to wait in front of the operating room, because the doctor was still operation on Jungkook.

My heart almost stopped when I heard it was an accident, what are you doing Jin? you're wasting it. It's your fault.

I couldn't stop crying, I was anxiously waiting for the doctor to come out of the operating room.

3 hours later, the operating room opened, the doctor came out and approached me.

"Are you a relative of Jeon's patient?"

"Yes, how is it doc?"

"He was bleeding from the head due to the heavy impact and also broke some of his ribs, the operation went well, but his condition is still unstable at the moment."

"Is he going to be okay doc?"

"I hope so, only a miracle can make him survive, the patient will be transferred to the ICU, you can meet him there, I'm sorry"

"Thank you doc"


When I entered his room, I approached him, his face was very pale, many wounds on his face and hands.

The bandage around his head broke my heart, I caused him to be like this.

I knelt beside his bed, my hand holding his. My head just lowered.

"Jungkook please wake up, you can be angry with me, you can ignore me, you can hit me, you can hate me, do it all but don't leave me, I beg you"


It's been a week and Jungkook hasn't opened his eyes yet. Hoseok and I took turns accompanying him. Doctor says there is no change from his condition, we can only pray.

Now it's time for me to come to the hospital to be with him. But before I went there, I took the time to come to Tae and Jimin's graves.

When I got there, I went to Jimin's grave first, I sat next to his tombstone and cried.

"I'm sorry Jimin, it's my fault, because of me he is now lying in the hospital, I beg you to forgive me, I should have taken care of him, guarded his feelings, kept his trust, I'm sorry I disappointed you Jimin, I'm always jealous when he compares me to you, I'm jealous when he miss you, even though he never disappoints me, he is always beside me, he always does it because of me, it's my fault, I'm stupid Jimin. Forgive me"

After saying goodbye to Jimin I went to Tae's grave and kissed his tombstone.

"Hey babe, I'm coming, I came with a lot of regrets, I ruined everything Tae, I'm sorry, you must be very disappointed with my actions, I'm a coward Tae, I can't stand against him, I let him do that to me, and I ruined the feelings of someone who all this time beside me. I also hurt Yoongi's feelings, he was angry with me. But now I'm out of the office Tae, I chose Jungkook, I chose Tae, I know he will never forgive me, I know he hates me, but I will always be here for him just like he did for me, he always helps me, he always save me Tae, I love him Tae, sorry if my love is bigger for him, but it seems like this is life, I never thought I could love someone else more than I love you"


When I came I saw Hoseok coming out of Jungkook's room, so I approached him.

"Hey, I guess today is my schedule taking care of him"

"Ah yes, of course, I'm just here to pick up what I left behind, I have to go, bye Jin"

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