Chapter 31

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2 months later


After my meeting with Jungkook at the hospital, I never saw him again, I don't know where he was, I stayed with Tae, like we used to do.

He always hugs me when he sleeps and now he's still hugging me, I'm still lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about Jungkook.

Why didn't he come see me when he left the hospital? why isn't he looking for me? Did he choose to get back with Jimin?

"Babe, are you awake?"

"Yeah, I'm awake" He turned to me and kissed my lips.

"I will make breakfast"

"Tae, can I go out today?"

"Where are you going? i will accompany you"

"No need, I want to be alone, you have to go to work, you haven't worked for a week"

"But are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm much better Tae, if there's anything I'll call you"

"Okay, I'll make breakfast" He kissed my forehead and got out of bed.

Tae and I have never made love, I can't do that with him, even sleeping with him I feel very sorry for Jungkook, but on the one hand I can't hurt his feelings. He doesn't know what happened, he must be confused by my attitude.

After taking a shower I came out and saw Tae in the kitchen, I walked over to him and sat in front of him.

"It'll be ready in a minute, are you hungry?"

"I'm starving"

"It's ready, here eat, I will take a shower first"

I just nodded and ate. Not long after Tae came out and approached me, he sat beside me and ate.

After eating, Tae went to work leaving me alone at home. I sat on the couch with a lot of questions in my head, a lot of things that felt real but were so hard to put into words.

I looked at the clock, it was still 10 am, I decided to get ready and went to the city park.


Every day I always think about Jin, where is he now? does he miss me? Is he mad at me for not seeing him?

I live in Jimin's apartment, but now he's staying at his parents' house, there's only me here. I miss you Jin. Now every time I see Jimin I always think of you,

I got out of bed, took a shower and made breakfast for me. I sat and imagined Jin was in front of me, I imagined the first time he stayed at my house, he was wearing Jimin's pajamas, he was very beautiful at that time. I unconsciously shed tears. I miss you so much Jin.

I'm bored at home, so I decided to go to the city park, maybe I can release my boredom a little.


Jin arrived at the city park, there were a lot of people there, he sat and enjoyed the crowd in front of him. It was a very sunny day, he hoped to meet someone he had longed for. But that seems impossible.

But in this world nothing is impossible, anything can happen as long as we believe.

Jin decided to buy drinks and snacks at the convenience store, after he finished paying and wanted to leave the convenience store he saw someone familiar, he knew who it was, he immediately came out of the convenience store and approached the person, but unfortunately that person had already crossed the road.

"Jungkook" He shouted making the person stop and turn around to face him.

Jungkook who saw Jin was surprised. They stare at each other, and as the road starts to empty Jin runs to Jungkook across the street, but Jungkook sees a car speeding towards Jin. He immediately ran to Jin and hugged Jin. Suddenly the car hit them both.

They were blown far away, blood flooding their bodies.

"J-jin.." Jungkook said the last words before his eyes closed.

At some place

Jungkook opened his eyes, he woke up to the sound of the waves crashing, he looked around, he was on the beach, it was very sunny there. But sadly he was alone, completely alone.

"Where am I? where is Jin? Why am I here?" His tears started to flow.

He walked along the beach while shouting Jin's name. When he was tired of walking he saw someone in the distance, sitting on the sand. So he approached the person.

When he was close to that person, Jungkook saw Jin there, closing his eyes while hearing the melodious sound of the waves.

He ran and dropped his body onto Jin, he hugged Jin very tightly.



"What happened? why are we here? didn't we—"

"I like it here"

"What do you mean?"

"This is where we first met"


"Jungkook, whatever happens, I don't care, I don't care what happens to us right now, all I know is that you and I are here, together"

Jin looked at Jungkook and smiled. Jungkook sat beside him.

"Jin what if we are dead?"

"If death can make me with you I'm willing to die Jungkook"

"This is our fate Jin"

Jungkook and Jin looked at each other.

"I love you Jin"

"I love you too Jungkook, always"

"Forever.." Jungkook kissed Jin.

Fate is sometimes strange, doesn't always match our expectations, makes us complacent with the world and forgets about reality, but fate is never wrong in making someone happy. Nothing is impossible in this world, as long as we believe.


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