Chapter 25

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I see Jimin in front of me, am I dreaming? what happened?

"Jimin? is that right you? am i dreaming"

He hugs me, I can feel his embrace and I miss this hug so much, I miss him.

"Jimin I miss you, I miss you so much I hope this isn't a dream"

He let go of his hand and took my hand.

"You shouldn't be here Jungkook"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's not time yet, you should go back"

"No! I'm not going anywhere I want to be here with you Jimin, I beg you, I'm just happy with you Jimin" I hugged him but suddenly he disappeared.

"JIMIN! Where are you going? please come back!!!! I beg you, come back Jimin!! I want to go with you wherever you go, I beg you."

Until suddenly I woke up and when I opened my eyes I saw a very bright light in front of me and many people around me.

"Doctor, he's back"

"Put oxygen and infusion, we must immediately operate on him"

I didn't feel anything, I just felt my eyes were really heavy and I closed my eyes again.


After crying for a while, I heard Namjoon groan.

"Argh Shit! that bastard always messes with me." He got up and left without looking at me.

I try to get up and go to the bathroom, stand in front of the mirror, look at myself. I'm crying, I feel so dirty right now, I can feel his body on mine and I hate this feeling. Taehyung I made a lot of mistakes, forgive me Tae.

I took off my torn shirt and turned on the shower I sat under it. Let the water run through my body.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry"

Those were the only words I kept repeating in my tears.


I decided to call Yoongi, I need him right now.

"Hello Jin, what's wrong?"


"Hey are you crying? what is it? did you fight with Jungkook?"

"Please come to my apartment"

"Your apartment? did he kick you out?"

"Please, just come here"

"Okay, I'll be right there wait for me"

After a while, the bell rang and I opened the door.

"Jin .." I immediately hugged him and cried on his shoulder.

"Hey Jin what's wrong? we should go in first, explain to me what's wrong?"

We sit in the sofa.

"I'm stupid Yoongi, I'm a coward, I'm a jerk, I don't deserve to be loved, I disappoint many people just because of my stupidity"

"What do you mean? Why did you say so?"

"I'm sorry Yoongi, I should have listened to you from the start"

"What's this about Jin? please explain to me"

"Me.. Me and Namjoon—"

"What? you and namjoon? what do you mean? what's the matter with you two?"

I just lowered my head and cried, I was embarrassed, I was so embarrassed.

"Jin!! look at me in the eye! what's going on between you and Namjoon?"

"We have sex"

"WHAT?!! are you crazy? What is that in your head huh? What if Jungkook finds out? how do his feel?"

"Yoongi it's not what you think"

"What's on my mind doesn't matter Jin, what you do is what matters! You have the heart to do this to Jungkook?"

"I need this job Yoongi! I can't refuse it."

"WHAT? I'm sure you're crazy Jin, you're wasting people who love you just to keep your job?"

"He doesn't love me Yoongi, we never loved each other—"

"Stop talking nonsense Jin! you think i'm stupid? no one wants to maintain a relationship other than love. Do you think he doesn't love you? Don't compare him to you Jin! He is clearly trying to open his heart to you!"

"But he always equates me with Jimin, he never really looks at me"

"And this reason justifies your treatment? You remember when Namjoon almost raped you? who saved you Jin? What if now he finds out you had sex with that pervert? huh?"

"H-he knows, he sees it"

"I'm at a loss for words Jin! you ruined everything! I'm done"

"Yoongi what do you mean you're done? You're my best friend—"

"No! i'm not! You never even listen to me Jin! You can always count on me, if you're in trouble, tell me I'll help, but you'd rather obey that pervert for your work! Then why did you contact me? why don't you call Namjoon? if you're more afraid of losing your job you're calling the wrong person Jin"

When he wanted to leave I held his hand.

"Yoongi please! You're the only one I have now, I know I was wrong, I know I'm stupid I'm a coward I know! please don't leave me, please"

He let go of my hand and left. When I was about to chase after him, my phone suddenly rang. From a number I don't recognize.


"Hello this is Mr. Kim Seokjin?"

"Yeah right, who is this?"

"We from the Seoul hospital would like to inform that the patient on behalf of Jeon Jungkook is in the surgery room—"

"WHAT? surgery room? what's wrong with him?"

"Patient Jungkook was in a car accident, can Mr. Kim come to the hospital immediately?"

"Yes..yes I will come soon"

I hung up my phone, my legs felt weak when he heard it. Why does this have to be repeated?? I don't want to lose it! I don't want to lose again!

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