Chapter 28

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I woke up hearing a familiar voice, it was Taehyung's voice, but how could that be..

I slowly opened my eyes and tried to adjust my vision. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked because I woke up in the hospital, my whole body was in a lot of pain, and I saw an IV in my hand.

When I turned to the side I saw Tae sitting beside with a bandage on his head.

"Babe, are you okay? Thank goodness you're awake."

What happened? Why am I here? Why is Tae here? Where's Jungkook? I started crying and Tae came over to me wiping my tears.

"Hey babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying? are you feel hurt? I'll call the doctor"

He left me alone. I tried to get up but my whole body was stiff and sore, I could barely feel my legs. When I opened my blanket I saw a cast on my leg. What happen with me?

Tae came in with the doctor and came over to me.

"Hello Mr. Kim, how do you feel? Is there any part of your body that hurts?"

"My whole body hurts"

"This is probably due to not moving for too long"

"What do you mean? why am I here?"

"Don't you remember anything Mr. Kim?"

I shook my head.

"I'll explain doc" Tae said.

The doctor came out and left us alone.

"Jin, you really don't remember what happened?"

"What's wrong Tae? is this a dream?"

"This is not a dream, we had an accident, I'm sorry it's my fault, I should have listened to you to pull over when it rained-"

"What happened to me?"

"You were in a coma for 2 months Jin, you also broke your leg, but it's getting better now"

"What? coma? this is impossible! Where's Jungkook?"

"Jungkook? who is he Jin?"

"No! this is impossible! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE"

"Hey babe calm down, you just woke up"

"Get out!"


"I SAID GET OUT! leave me alone Tae"

He came out of my room.

I'm crying thinking about this, Jungkook please wake me up, this is just a dream I know this is just a dream, this can't be! this can't happen.


When I came out of Jin's room I thought about the person he mentioned, Jungkook, who is he? why is Jin looking for him.

As I went downstairs and into the lobby I heard someone crying I looked at him, some nurses pushed the bed towards the ER and a man followed him crying.

I tried to approach him, I saw a lot of blood dripping on the floor from the man's mattress. It looks like he was the victim of an accident and it looks like the one crying this is his boyfriend.

When I turned around, my eyes opened wide at his words.

"Jungkook don't leave me! Please"

Jungkook? I turned again and walked over to the person.

"Excuse me, do you know the patient?"

"Yeah he's my boyfriend, what's wrong?"

"What's his name is Jungkook?"

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