Chapter 29

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1 Week Later


After the accident I felt sorry for Jin, I caused him to be like this, 2 months he had to lie in a coma.

But now he is awake, he has returned from his long sleep, every day I am always here with him, promising him many things, but when he opens his eyes all he wants is to return to another life, a life where Jungkook was there.

He kept asking Jungkook and said he wanted to see him. It seems he doesn't miss me one bit, he's not even happy anymore when I hug him. He also dodged when I tried to kiss him.

"Hey babe, you have to eat, can I feed you?"

"I'm not hungry, I want to meet Jungkook"

"We won't meet anyone, you have to eat"

"I said I'm not hungry"

"Jin! I said you should eat!"

He pushed the plate in front of him making it fall and shatter on the floor.


"STOP JIN! no more Jungkook, you must be aware Jin! there is only me, not Jungkook! I don't care who Jungkook is in your life! But during these 2 months he never once saw you, he never came here to see you, I'm the only one taking care of you here Jin!"

"No! he was the only one who saved me and he was always by my side when I needed help, you were never there for me, you left me Tae! I want to go back! I don't want to be here! For me you are dead Tae, my life is no longer for you, I have given another love to Jungkook!"

I unconsciously slapped him, making him speechless, crying looking at me. His words made my blood boil. Obviously I'm jealous. I'm even still here, still breathing and standing in front of him.

"You slapped me—"

I immediately approached him and kissed his lips, I would make him forget Jungkook.

"Ahh..stop Tae" He tried to break the kiss but I kept kissing him until Yoongi came and pulled me.

"Hey Tae, what are you doing?"

I saw Yoongi and immediately left them without a word.


After Tae slapped me, my heart ached so bad, he was never the slightest bit rude to me, I also don't know what's wrong with me, why am I like this, but being with Jungkook feels so real. I even remember that guilt, I remember the time he kissed me before I woke up. I don't know which one is real? Which world should I trust?

"Hey Jin, your cheeks are red, what happened?"

"He slapped me"

"What? God damn it-"

"No! It's my fault Yoon, I made him angry"

"Is it because of Jungkook?"

I just nodded with tears still running down my cheeks. Yoongi sat beside my bed and held my hand.

"Jin, I'm as confused as Tae, I don't know how you know Jungkook, are you cheating behind Tae's back? You know you can tell me everything right?"

"Are you going to believe all this?"

"Of course Jin, I always believed in you, tell me, I will help you"

I told him everything and he hugged me tightly.

"I don't know what to do Yoongi, I just want to meet Jungkook, either in this life or in the life in my dreams, I don't even know if this is real or not" I cried on his shoulder.



After successfully coaxing him to eat and making him rest, I came out of his room. As I left the room and walked towards the elevator, suddenly someone called out to me.

"Yoongi" I turned to the person.

"Hey Jimin"

"Seeing who is here?"

"Oh I'm visiting my friend"

"Do you want to go to the cafeteria together? I'm hungry but I don't want to eat alone"

"Yes of course, I also want to eat, let's eat together"

When we arrived at the hospital cafeteria and ordered food, we sat down opposite each other.

"How's Jungkook doing?"

"His condition has improved, how is your friend's condition?"

"Conditions are much better"

"I'm grateful"

"Jimin, can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course"

"Does Jungkook still like to ask Jin?"

"Ahh he still likes to ask Jin, but lately it's been rare, why?"

"Oh it's okay, can I see him?"

"Of course, I'm glad you saw him."

After finishing eating, Jimin and I came back, I was surprised to know Jungkook's room was next to Jin's room.

I walked in and when Jungkook saw me he immediately tried to get up and greet me.


"Hey Jungkook, how are you doing?

"Much better"

I sat beside his bed and Jimin sat on the bed, next to Jungkook's feet while massaging his feet.

"Have you eaten?" Jungkook asked Jimin.

"Yeah, I've eaten with Yoongi"

Suddenly the phone rang, I looked at Jimin and he came out to pick up the phone, leaving me alone with Jungkook.



"Are you still thinking about Jin?"

"Always, but I can't talk about Jin in front of Jimin, I know I'll hurt his feelings"

"Yes you're right"

"Is Jin thinking of me?"

"You want to meet him?"

"Is he here?"

"Yes, he is here"

"Can you take me there? I want to meet him, please."

"Does Jimin not mind?"

"Hm don't say anything to Jimin"

"Then I will take you to meet Jin when Jimin is not here"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

After a while, Jimin walked in.

"What is it? who called you?"

"Babe, I'm sorry, but my parents asked me to come home today, they said they had important things to talk to me"

"Then you should go"

"But what about you? I can't leave you alone."

"I can take care of it" I said.

"Are you sure? it will trouble you"

"It's okay, go away"

"Yeah Jimin you have to go, I can be with Yoongi"

"Hm Okay, tomorrow I'll be back, I'm leaving, love you" Jimin approached Jungkook and kissed his cheek then left us.

"Can I meet Jin now?"

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