Chapter 17

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After Jin left, why did I feel so sad? like lost.

I lay on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

Jimin, why does it feel the same as when I lost you?

I want him here like I want you here. I want to hug him like I want to hug you.

Ah I forgot to ask for his number, how can I meet him again?

I was about to close my eyes when suddenly a message appeared on my phone.

Jungkook it's me, Jin. Thanks for helping me and letting me stay.

Jinn? how did he know my number? or from his friend? he contacted his friend from my phone, yes, maybe his friend gave it.

Why haven't you gone to sleep yet?

Can I call you?

Of course

Suddenly my phone rang, there was an incoming call from Jin, I immediately picked it up.


"Am I bothering you?"

"No, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I miss Tae"

"Do you want to meet Tae?"

"What do you mean?"

"Ah I mean are you going to Tae's grave?"

"Maybe this weekend as usual, what's up?"

"I mean now"

"Jungkook, are you crazy, it's 10 PM"

"What is wrong? I often see Jimin in the middle of the night, when we miss someone won't it hurt if we keep holding on to it?"

"But isn't it scary to go to the cemetery at night?"

"I will accompany you, if you wish"

"I want to"

"Okay, I will pick you up, send me your address, I will go now"

I immediately hung up my phone and a new message came into my phone.

After getting the address I immediately rushed to leave.


When I hung up the phone, for some reason my heart was pounding, why would I want to? It's almost midnight, I can go tomorrow or the day after.

Isn't he working tomorrow? why does he want to accompany me? does he miss Jimin too?

I got up from my bed and changed clothes.

Some time later, someone rang the bell, it must be Jungkook.

I walked to the door and opened it.

"Are you ready?"

I just nodded and left with him.

While in the car, I felt nervous being next to him. I was confused about what to do and which way to look.


"Yeah." I looked up at him, his eyes still focused on the road.

"I feel so lonely when you're not around, I think it's because I miss Jimin, do you feel the same too?"

Hearing his words made me blush. But it seems to be true, when I was lying on the bed I did feel lonely and thought it was because I missed Tae.

"I feel it too"

After that the silence returned. I just watched the dark night from the window next to me.

Arriving at the cemetery, Jungkook and I got off and started walking towards Tae's grave.

I stood in front of his grave, my tears suddenly flowed just like that.

"Jin, I'm going to Jimin's grave first"

I just nodded. I approached Tae's tombstone, and stroked it.

"Tae I came tonight, many bad things came to me, but there was always one person who helped me, strangely now that person is here, accompanying me here. He invited me to meet you, he said holding back longing hurts, maybe that's why my pain never goes away, I just endure it"

Suddenly a rumbling sound was heard, I looked up at the sky and it was only cloudy that could be seen, there were no stars and no moon, suddenly it started to rain.

Jungkook came over to me, he took off his jacket and put it over my head.

"Let's go back to the car, I think it's going to rain heavily, you could get sick"

I wake up and we run to the car. Luckily we were already in the car, suddenly it rained very hard.


We were drenched in the rain, until I got in the car I immediately started the car engine preparing to go home.

But Jin suddenly grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"It's still raining heavily, we can stay here until the rain stops, please"

I just looked at his wet face, he must remember Tae's accident.

I left the car engine running and turned on the heater. When I looked at him, he just looked down and.. crying?

I touched his shoulder.

"Hey Jin, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

He just kept quiet and didn't raise his head.

I grabbed his arm and made him face me.

"Jin, look at me"

He kept crying and kept his head down.

"Please, look at me Jin"

"I-I'm afraid"

I put my hand on his chin and raise his head so he looks at me and I kiss his lips. I don't know what I'm doing right now.

Slowly he returned the kiss, my hand began to grip his hand. His kiss was so passionate, I could taste the softness of his lips and the taste of the cherry.

I broke my kiss and pressed my forehead to his.

"Don't be afraid Jin, I'm here"

He turned his head away from me and looked at me.

"But.. I can't give my love to you Jungkook"

"Then don't, just be with me, that's more than enough. If loving Tae makes you happy, keep going. I will be with you until the end."

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