Ch 20: Abduction

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This is a treat for all the nice comments I get ❤️☺️
Have fun reading it 😂
Stay safe
Love ya all!

Luke's pov

I ran downstairs to dad. I'm so gonna plan their death... I'll make so much drama... I'll make them pay. I smirked evilly then I wore an angel mask and said," Dad!"

" Yep! You had a good shower?" He asked me, giving me his usual pretty comforting smile

" I did but the older ones just annoyed the hell out of me! Where were you the whole time?!" I complained

" You see." He showed me Pete asleep while curling his fists around Dad's shirt," And how did they annoy you exactly?"

I told him everything that happened, exaggerating a bit here and there. " Despite all of this they had the guts to threaten me to not tell you."

" This is so undone!" He took his phone and messaged them

I sat back casually. " Let me help you with him." I said pointing at my baby bro, no help intended, it's just I haven't had him in my embrace since the morning and I miss it!

" If he let go of me, have him."

I tried to take him but he was catching dad for dear life! I want him! But never mind, let him sleep peacefully

They came downstairs

" What's up Dad?" Nick asked

" Why on the earth hitting your brother and wrapping him?" Dad said sternly

" Hitting? Swat or two and the wrapping? Was just tape on the mouth and Malik holding his hand... He exaggerated."

Well I didn't, I told him what happened with some minute alterations here and there!

" You scared him... look at him pale and startled... I can't believe you, I said be nice. Why did you hurt him?"

" We didn't."

I gave them both a smug look from the side. Daddy's a blessing!

" Quite! Apologize to him."

I wiggled my eyebrows smugly as they said, " Sorry."

" It's alright, please don't do it again." I said in a nice tone

If daddy wasn't here I would have totally returned Marc's remark to him, ' I don't forgive anyone without some swats! '

They both gave me cold look and walked outside

Uh oh, I will have to watch out then.

" Daddy!" Pete said as he rubbed his eyes

" Done with the nap, love?" Dad asked as he checked his fever

" Hmm! Luca! You're back?" He said as he noticed me

" Yeah! How do you feel?" I said, opening my embrace for him. I missed him like a lot the whole day

" I feel great!" He said as he came into my embrace and hugged me

I kissed his head and patted his back, he still feels so warm. I checked the forehead and the wrist again

" But you are still feverish. Dad, hasn't it been too long with the fever? shouldn't we get him checked?"

" Yep, we have to."

" I don't want to get checked! Bubba please." He whined

" Huh! See... I was trying with him from the morning."

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