Ch 83: My dear child ✨

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Malik's pov

I called a friend in Brazil and asked him to search for Landon.

As I was on the phone with my friend, I heard a knock on my door. I quickly ended the call and opened the door. It was my father.

" Dad?"

" Hey, Nico, can I get in?"

" Of course, it's your place anyway."

He sat on the couch and asked, " What were you doing?".

" Just some regular work." I sat next to him.

" And what about Landon?"

" Nothing dad!" I just rubbed my face down.

" Do you have a plan?"

" Other than playing their dirty games, nothing."

" That means you have to go there?"

" They will make them play all their cards to overstate me but you know that's futile. They are so predictable. Maybe it's time to destroy them."

" They are allies with Catalyst. That won't be good."

" I know dad, that's why I'm thinking of walking with Marco in parallel."

" What if it didn't work? Should I deal with my son's death? Marco will be protected here, but you will be alone with some of the boys. You don't know what could happen."

" Don't worry dad."

" I have to worry, Nickolas. I won't allow you to do what's in your mind."

I smirked and sat back." From the minute you stepped into my office I knew they ran crying to you."

" I don't need anyone to rat out."

" Yeah, yeah!"

" Do you think about me? I'm an old man. Marco, who will stop this bull? Pete, who is dealing with his trauma? Luke, who just had you? Forget them all. Your fiancee, the girl you promised to marry."

" I thought about all of them."

" So?"

" Dad, we won't find Landon if we don't sacrifice."

" I won't sacrifice my mafia boss, I won't sacrifice my son."

" What about Landon? Luke will be so sad."

" Now we get the hitting line. Luke is not going to be sadder than losing his own brother. Why did you assume he got caught?"

" Why do you assume something will happen to me?"

" My guts never lie."

" That's not a reason."

" Then reason with me. Haven't Landon done the same thing before? He sensed danger and smelled a traitor so he decided to vanish to protect us and him."

" How did you know about that mission?"

" I studied his files. Landon is smart. He won't put us in this position. Believe me if something happened to him, we would have known."

" I am trying to convince myself too."

" Son, Landon is a commander. If they catch him, they won't lose their chance to use him."

" What if they are using him in another way? Brainwash him?"

" It can happen but not dead!"

" Dad, brainwashing him isn't good."

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