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A piercing scream of a man could be heard reverberating inside a spacious and dark throne room.

A cloaked figure was seen holding a bloody whip, standing over a writhing figure full of slashes and cuts that were beyond healing.

Poor floor...

"M-my King! I beg of you! Please spare this worthless General!" The man, who was once a confident soldier, was now groveling and pleading on his knees for his life.

"Tell me, my General. Why should I spare something worthless, just as you said yourself?" A calm voice hissed, sounding almost like a snake. The sharp sound echoed around the room.

"B-because I can still prove myself! If you could just give me another chance, my liege!" The General sobbed, his dignity long gone in the presence of the merciless King.

But the man sitting on the throne just stayed silent. He eyed the General with contempt and disgust before his eyes strayed up and caught the eyes of the man holding the whip. Giving him an imperceptible nod, the cloaked figure stepped away and vanished the whip on his hold.

"Prove yourself, you say? How could you prove yourself exactly, General? I already gave you a chance when I made you one of the most powerful people in this kingdom, but you still betrayed my trust." The King's eyes flashed with madness. Gone was the calm facade.

"Black, if you would?" He nodded over the pathetic figure to end his life. With no other word or change of emotion, the cloaked man generated a long Katana from the shadows and...


The General was getting desperate. He thought that if he said something, he might get spared. Fortunately for him and for the amusement of the King, who had whipped a hand up, stopping the catastrophe that was about to happen.


"T-thank you for your graciousness!" The General smiled, but his face dropped when he saw that the King had not returned the smile. He gulped, his throat tightening. He hoped that whatever he had to say would make the King change his mind.

"There was a girl with them! She had powers that I had never seen or encountered before! She wasn't a sorcerer because she didn't have a spell book, nor did she chant spells under her breath. Her powers manifested through her hands. It was the color of the blood! Mesmerizing, yet very dangerous. I think she's one of your prisoners, my Lord!" He watched the King's face intently, hoping he could see some sort of interest, but there was none.

Horror and despair washed over him as he didn't satisfy the King. He was dead.

"You said she was my prisoner? But then you also said she was with them? How could that be, General? Hmm?" The King asked, feigning curiosity before he gasped mockingly. "Are you lying, General? Are you that desperate to save your worthless life?" He spat, standing up on the throne. His aura screamed authority and intimidating as he descended the little stairs towards the shaking General.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now