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What felt like an electric current had zapped Dawn the moment her body got plunged into the freezing cold water.

She was being dragged down, immobilized. She saw the bright sky slowly getting far away, far from her reach. No... I need to go.

Paddling her feet, she desperately batted her arms, trying to haul herself up. But her movement became sluggish as her limbs were getting tired of constantly fighting with the water. Her clothes weren't helping either. They were weighing her down.

Wait a minute. She has magic.

She wanted to give herself a concussion for forgetting that important matter. She could get out of this freezing cold water long ago if her brain was functioning well.

Just as she was about to propel out of the water, she suddenly noticed an unmoving figure from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes narrowed as they try to see through the slightly murky water when the sky brightened and illuminated the figure as if someone was helping her out.


Her eyes widened in alarm, seeing his motionless figure and closed eyes. Immediately, she pushed herself to his side, using her magic. Grabbing onto him, her worry elevated when the man didn't even react to her touch.

Quickly, she hooked an arm around his waist and made them shoot out of the water. Gasping, she felt her lungs relaxing as she breathed in the air. Looking around, she searched for a place to land.


Her head snapped to the source of noise and saw the others, fortunately, safe. Flying to them, she carefully dropped Soobin down to the ground. Beomgyu was quick to nurse the unconscious Archer, the others following close behind him.

"He's not breathing." Beomgyu choked out.

"No..." Kai sobbed, his grey eyes clouding up in tears. He felt guilty and regretful. The last memory of Soobin had of him was the two of them fighting.

"No. That's not possible." Yeonjun was close to pulling his hair out of stress. Soobin can't just die like that. They still have a mission to do. They still have to make the King pay for what he had done.

He can't go just yet!

"Do something, Taehyun!" Kai begged his friend, who was already searching for some spell in his magical book.

"I'm trying." Taehyun retorted, trying to ignore the shakiness of his hands.

Dawn, who had sat to the side, was confused. Shouldn't they be trying to resuscitate Soobin by doing CPR on him? She stared down at the unresponsive Archer in dread. If they don't do it now, it'll be too late.

"Move." She pushed Beomgyu aside and immediately placed Soobin on his back, tilting his head.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now