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"How did he expect us to retrieve the Sacred Quill in less than no time?!" Kai scowled. "I mean, on the first time, didn't we take a whole month? How did he expect us to get it in seven days?" He was still irritated about the previous audience with the King.

"Because this time we knew what to expect and where the easy routes were. I'm sure we could finish this quest in time." Taehyun assured Kai, as if he wasn't worried too.

"Don't worry, Hyuka! I'm sure we'll be fine. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?" Beomgyu just jinxed himself.

He unknowingly stepped on a thick branch, well, what he thought was just an ordinary thick branch, when it suddenly trembled. They watched with a sinking feeling, terrified for the Healer's life.

Beomgyu was lifted higher and higher from the ground. Their eyes were stuck on the terrified Healer that they failed to notice the hideous face forming on what they thought was an ancient tree until it let out a blood-curdling roar.


"TROLL!" Yeonjun shouted, snapping the others out of their petrified state.

And as if it wasn't any better, another tree beside it shook and emerged as another troll.

"Son of a biscuit!" The Archer censored his curse as he jumped away, along with the others, from the range of the troll's club.

Seeing all of this for the first time, Dawn's mind became an empty canvas. She tried to make sense of the situation, of the mythical creature wrecking havoc in front of her. Fortunately, her body moved on instinct, so she dodged the blunt weapon just in time.

The creatures were three meters high, humanoid monsters with darkish green skin that reminded her of vomit. They have little to no hair and only have an animal-skin loincloth to cover their private parts. Their face reminded her of a mutated pig with gnarled teeth and tusks. Their glinting black beady eyes were glaring at them for disturbing their sleep.

"What are we going to do, Soobin hyung?" Taehyun belted, hoping the Archer could devise a plan before the trolls could notice Beomgyu from one of their enormous shoulders.

"We need to separate the two of them. My plan wouldn't work if they suddenly worked together. Two people will rescue Beomgyu and attack the troll while those remaining work on the other one." The plan was simple, they could defeat the trolls as long as there were no uninvited guests.

Taehyun, who was quick to volunteer to rescue the Healer, pulled Dawn along because he already had a plan.

"We can't afford to make the troll move recklessly. Beomgyu hyung might fall. So, I need you to immobilize the troll while I get him myself." Seeing the uncertainty in her eyes, he paused. "Can you do it?" Maybe he was asking too much.

Looking at him, Dawn saw how much trust and expectation he had of her, making her stomach churn at the pressure. But at the same time, she wanted to prove that she was worthy of that trust.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now