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The first thing the three did as soon as they left the cave was to run towards where they left the others behind. But as Soobin swiped away the branch that covered his sight, he frowned when he saw the others were nowhere to be found. Not even a trace of them could be found.

"Guys?" He called out, approaching the area cautiously. He looked around, thinking that maybe he was in the wrong part of the forest, when Taehyun called out behind.

"Soobin hyung." Hearing the worry in his voice, the Archer quickly approached the Sorcerer and saw the cloth where Yeonjun once laid. His eyes widened when he spotted a splash of blood, fresh blood, staining the white fabric.

"What the hell happened while we were gone!?" The Witch yelled out, panic and fear laced through her tone. The two didn't reply as they searched for clues about their friends' sudden disappearance.

Taehyun felt his heart thump harder with each passing minute, his mind racing with probabilities. If something terrible happened to the three, specifically to the Swordsman, it will be his fault. If he didn't give in to the temptation, they might be already out of the cave. He should've just chosen what they agreed to choose. Then maybe it wouldn't end up like this. They might have even cured Yeonjun already.

Sensing distress rolling like waves within Taehyun, Dawn also felt hers becoming much more intense than they were supposed to be. He was driving her emotions high, and he didn't even know about it. Just as she was about to put a hand on his shoulder in hopes of calming him, a sudden noise echoed across the forest, causing her to flinch back.

"Who's there?" Soobin demanded, his eyes sharpening as they scanned throughout the area. The two silently but quickly moved to his sides and stood beside him.

Then a growl was heard somewhere. Soobin quickly took out an arrow, ready to shoot. Taehyun, with his spell book, prepared to cast defensive spells. Dawn prepared to blast anything at any moment with her scarlet energy spheres hovering on both of her palms.

A rustling sound was also heard from their left side, drawing their attention to the source of those noises.

"Something's wrong..." Dawn muttered cautiously. An uneasy feeling washed over her, almost making her sick. Taehyun felt the same way as a shiver ran down his spine, sending goosebumps covering his skin.

What kind of monster could make them feel like this way?

Something moved in front of them. Not behind the trees or above the trees. No. Literally in front of them. As if there was an invisible veil in front of them, the space in front seemed to ripple like a pool of water. Then all at once crashed down like an angry wave.

"Soobin." Came out from the shaking Yeonjun. Shaking from the pain that wracked his body like a raging typhoon. His arms and legs trembling, threatening to give out. They would have if he wasn't being held up by a person wearing a mask with their sharp dagger pressed against his neck.

"Yeonjun!" The three shouted, wanting nothing but to rush forward and get him out of harm but couldn't do so as the masked person shifted their grip on the dagger and pressed it further to the Swordsman's throat.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now