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Taehyun didn't know that finding Kai, Dawn, and Beomgyu would be difficult. He felt like he had already searched through every nook and cranny of the Castle, yet he still hadn't found the dungeon's entrance. That's where prisoners are usually held up, right?

He knew asking around wasn't an option. Who wouldn't look suspicious if they suddenly ask where the three prisoners were currently captive?

He was walking along the halls when he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Immediately, he came to a stop and hid when the owner of the voice and another were approaching closer. He didn't know why he hid, but had a bad feeling. And usually, his instinct is rarely wrong.

"Keep an eye on the witch. Even though we have made her compliant for now, that does not mean that she won't do something stupid. Keep her under control. If you must, do something that would make her think twice before doing anything." A deep voice commanded.

"Yes, Sire. It shall be done. I guarantee that nothing will happen while I'm still here."

Taehyun felt like he got winded, hearing something like that come out of his best friend's mouth. He wanted to deny it, but there was no mistaking that it was him.

The voice... It was Kai.

He could feel his heart beating wildly inside his chest. He felt his breath become uneven. What should he do? Just wait and watch him walk away again?

How could Kai do an atrocious act? How could he betray his friends?

Taehyun clenched his hands into fists, preventing himself from bursting out with anger and frustration. If he continued thinking of this matter, it might cause his emotions to affect his judgment.

He still has to find the others. He was just hoping that it wasn't still too late.

Swiftly turning his head to the side to hide his face, he watched from the corner of his eyes as Kai passed by him. Fortunately, the Summoner barely spared him a single glance.

He swallowed hard as a lump formed itself in his throat. He hated it. He hated the feeling of betrayal. He hated how helpless he felt. He hated how Kai easily betrayed him and the others.

A few seconds later, he was finally able to breathe again as he followed the sound of Kai's steps ahead of him.

After walking through corridors, entering many rooms, and passing several empty chambers, Kai finally came to a halt outside a large door that was guarded by four guards. Nodding at the guards, they instantly parted for the Summoner to enter the room.

Then he was out of Taehyun's sight.

The Sorcerer pursed his lips in annoyance, knowing that if he were to attack the guards, it would cause a commotion. But beyond the door, he had a feeling Dawn was there. Hopefully, Beomgyu too. So fighting, it is.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now