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During the fight, Yeonjun found himself slumped down in a tree, going in and out of consciousness. The poison coursed through his whole body like millions of needles piercing right through him. His limbs quivered, his vision blurry, and he felt like his head was filled with cotton wool. He wanted to puke, but somehow couldn't bring himself to do so.

It hurt...

It hurt...

It hurt so badly.

"Wake up!!" He heard from a distance. Someone was shouting his name, but it sounded muffled. With great effort, he opened his eyes to find a worried Soobin crouching beside him.

"Soobin...?" Yeonjun croaked, his voice hoarse. The other boy seemed relieved to see him awake, smiling widely when he did so.

"Hyung, hey. Stay awake. You're going to be okay." Soobin assured as he gripped Yeonjun's hand tightly.

The black-haired male looked exhausted. His breathing was heavy and uneven, his body trembling with slight tremors. The bags under his seemingly soulless electric blue eyes were more prominent than ever, with tear-stained cheeks.

"Just hang on. I just need to find a paper to write on." Of all the things Soobin could forget, it has to be that one object they needed the most, the second most important object. A paper.

Searching through his flimsy but sturdy bag, every second passed felt like an eternity seeing how Yeonjun looked like he was slowly fading away. The Archer didn't want him to close his eyes because it felt like they would never open up again once he did, and Soobin wasn't sure he could live with himself if that happened.

"I FOUND IT!" The older boy exclaimed triumphantly, holding up a piece of folded paper in both hands. He quickly ripped it open and began hastily scrawling something on its surface.

Yeonjun watched as the boy's face creased in concentration and his lips pursed together as he attempted to write the words as best as he could.

Swordman Yeonjun of Jaromir would be free of the Soul Venom and return to his healthy state in no time.

As Soobin finished his wish with a dot, the words shimmered, changing into a bright gold color, and finally faded until nothing was left to show that they existed. Only a blank page. He looked back at Yeonjun, who was still lying motionless on the ground.

His brows knitted together in worry.

Yeonjun's face was pale with sweat beading down his forehead. He looked paler than normal, and he was definitely not responding to any of Soobin's attempts at waking him up.

"Please, no..." He whispered fearfully to himself. His hands were shaking too much that his grip on the Quill and paper slipped.

What happened? What did I do wrong? Is it too late? Am I too late?

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now