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"Here is it..." Soobin's albeit low voice could still be heard by the others as the environment before them was quiet.

Deadly quiet.

The five travelers were standing in the entrance of a forest where they could possibly meet their doom. It was too dark to see within the woods as the looming trees' branches cluster together that the moonlight could not seep into. They couldn't see where they were going or if there were creatures waiting for them to step in and snatch them out, then devour them, then... Yep.

The Stygian Woods.

"Why does this have to be the only way?" Kai whined, frowning.

Soobin sighed. He didn't want this either, but they had no other choice. He then looked at everyone with a serious gaze and said, "I know some of us are terrified and reluctant about the plan, but keep in mind that we need to do this. Not just for Yeonjun hyung, but for all of us. We need your strength, all our strength. And I trust you to help us through whatever may come our way."

They nodded in determination, now feeling motivated. But that doesn't mean the feeling of fear is lessened. The only thing that kept them together was the fear of death looming over them and, of course, the determination to save their friend.

"Let's go!" The Archer called out, starting forward.

The others immediately followed behind, stepping into the woods. So many thoughts were running through their minds as they walked deeper into the forest. It seemed like the more they walked in, the more it felt like they were closing in on their death.

Kai tried to hype up the atmosphere with a small talk. "Hey, guys! Isn't the forest beautiful? Isn't this place full of magic?"

Taehyun chuckled softly and shook his head. "Not all trees here are magical, though; some are poisonous, and some contain dangerous creatures." That wasn't what the Summoner was hoping for an answer, because it only made the situation even more frightening.

"Seriously, Tae? Why do you have to kill the fun?" Beomgyu asked, exasperated. The Sorcerer only shrugged, and it's not like he was lying.

"Speaking of killing the fun. I really wanted to punch the King right now in his perfect little face." Yeonjun grumbled, glaring hatefully at the thin air.

"Until now, I'm having a hard time trying to wrap my mind of the once benevolent King has become malevolent," Taehyun spoke up.

"Could we discuss this later on? Because right now, we're in a middle of a dangerous forest, and I'm pretty sure every tree will try to eat us if given a chance." The Archer of the team pointed out. But it seemed like he wasn't heard when the youngest joined the ranting about the King.

"How did he expect us to retrieve the Sacred Quill in less than no time!?" Kai scowled. "I mean, on the first time, didn't we take a whole month? How did he expect us to get it in seven days?" The thought of the King made his blood boil with rage.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now