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Dawn decided to stay. There was nothing to go back to in her world. And she liked where she was now. In this world, she has something she never thought she'll have again. And because she knew that's what Ana would want her to choose.

She didn't have anything to go back to. Nothing at all. She already has all she needs in there. She has a family.

She found her family. For the second time.

"I SAID LEAVE!!! I don't want to hear any more bullshits coming from your mouth!!! Do you think I would forgive you easily just because you finally apologize!? Do I look stupid to you!? I must be because you think those worthless words of amendments would sway my resolve." Immediately, the five were alerted by the booming voice filled with fury and disgust.

Not even a minute passed they were on Beomgyu's side, ready to defend him at any cost. The Black Mage was furious, his closed fists shaking slightly from rage, his breathing grew heavy every moment passed, and his eyes... They were the darkest they had ever seen, containing so much fury for the boy now shielded by his friends.

"I should've killed you... I really wanted to kill you so bad that this darkness and chaos inside of me settled! I no longer want to feel anger, hate, hurt, or pain! I'm tired and sick of this feeling!" Tears began to flow out of his obsidian eyes, his voice breaking from sheer frustration and rage. "This pain will never stop until you're gone! SO DIE... DIE!!!" With that, he let out every ounce of his dark magic and released it on the group.

With every second passed, oddly enough, the Black Mage felt at peace. The thought of not being bothered by the harbored feeling inside had given him a sort of relief, something he had longed for his entire life. His body had grown tired from the constant use of magic. It was slowly deteriorating. But he never relents. He had longed to release everything.

He was tired of fighting. He was tired of living. He was tired of everyone. And maybe it was time to move on... He did not care anymore. He only has a little time before darkness devours his soul.

From the receiving side of Beomseok's attack, the six adventurers stood protected by shimmering red and white barriers made by the Sorcerer and the Witch of the group. They do nothing but watch as the person who caused trouble and misery in their lives unburdened himself with the revenge and hatred that tormented him all his life.

Beomgyu could only cry and cry as he watched the brother, whom he never thought he had, slowly die from exhaustion and despair. His brother had been too far in his revenge that it clouded his mind and judgment to take the Healer's offer. Beomseok was too blinded by revenge that he failed to realize that he could have changed his fate if he chose to. But then again, it was too late for him. He will still die using magic borrowed from a dark being.

There was no other way out.

I'm sorry, Beomseok. I should've done more...

With that, the last remnants of the magic of the Black Mage dispersed, causing a bright flash of light to appear out of nowhere, robbing them of their eyesight for a while before it vanished just as fast as it appeared. When everyone opened their eyes, their faces fell, and their hearts dropped upon witnessing the sight of the lifeless body of Beomseok.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now