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It's been a peaceful week at the humble abode of the five adventurers plus the guest. By now, they should've been planning how to ransack another property of the King, but they have something that got them occupied.

"Say, Kai. How much do you know about your friend?" Soobin had asked one day at one of their meetings.

The entire household except for Dawn was present. They were having one of their meetings to expose the King, but Soobin had asked something different.

"Why would you want to know?" Kai asked, getting wary. He didn't like where the conversation was going.

"You see what she can do. I think she could be a great asset to the team." Soobin didn't even have a chance to explain some more, because Kai was shaking his head in disagreement.

"No. Absolutely not. We can't just pull in a civilian on our mission." He exclaimed. "You know what we're doing is very dangerous!" But tried to keep his voice minimal. He didn't want Dawn to wake up.

"I think I'm with Soobin on this one. It's not like what we are doing is wrong. It's not just for us but the people too, her included. This Kingdom should've been aware of what really is going on in the Kingdom." Yeonjun joined in, looking serious for once.

"But what if she refused? What if she didn't want to join in this rebellion? What if she just wants a peaceful life, huh? What of it, hyung?" Kai asked, getting agitated.

"Well, if she didn't want to, we cannot force her. And about living a peaceful life, do you really think anyone can live happily when we have a cruel man as the ruler?" Taehyun, as usual, tried to be impartial. But something in his choice of words doesn't sit right with Kai.

"Are you saying she'll have no choice on the matter?" His voice was getting icy, something the others didn't expect.

"Why are you getting defensive over her?" Soobin glared. "Is there something we should know, Kai?"

"Nothing. I just don't want her to be part of this, that's all." Kai quickly denied it, not looking entirely convincing at all.

"But it's not really your choice, is it? She will be the one to get to decide whether you like it or not." Beomgyu, who had been quiet, had finally taken part in the conversation.

"Not you too, Beomgyu hyung." Kai groaned.

"Tell us the truth, Kai. What's the real reason?" Soobin demanded.

"It's because I don't want her to be like us! There! Happy?" This was the first they saw the summoner get angry. Kai was always the playful and generous one. The girl must really be that important that he got so protective. "I get that she saved me. I'm grateful for that. But pulling her in on our mess doesn't seem right." His voice gradually lowered as guilt filled his chest. He felt terrible for yelling at his older brothers. But this didn't feel right for Dawn.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now