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A black wolf was seen soaring through the air and smashed right through a tree, breaking it in half with its giant body.

"Stop this, Kai! I thought the animals were your friends?! Why are you letting them get hurt by?!" Taehyun shouted, feeling drained from using his magic, as they had been fighting for quite some time.

Since the Sorcerer teleported them out of the Castle, they have been trying to take down each other. The Summoner didn't reply, but from the looks of it, he was exhausted too from the constant summoning.

"What happened to you, Kai? What happened to the best friend who always smiles? The brother who laughs and jokes with me even though some of your jokes are not funny? What happened to that Kai that I know?" Taehyun tried asking one more time, but he didn't receive any response from Kai, either.

The Sorcerer's tone was starting to show signs of desperation. "Kai, please..." He pleaded weakly, staring intently at his brother's face.

Even from afar, he could see the tiredness painting his features. Kai was always smiling. A smile always graces his lips, no matter how wide or little they stretch. He was always happy, never frowning, even for a moment. His grey eyes were always bright, filled with joy and laughter, but now they were dull, brown... Wait.

Taehyun's eyes widened in realization. His eyes... they were brown... Not his usual wistful grey ones.

"What the hell...?" He breathed out, taking a step closer to see if what he was seeing was real, but before the Sorcerer could step any further, he was knocked backward by Kai charging at him.

The now brown-eyed male tackled him down to the ground and sent a fist on straight to his face. Taehyun managed to block his face, but not after receiving a punch or two. He struggled to fight back, but he knew that if this lasted, he had a feeling that he would have two broken and bruised arms in the end. So, mastering all his energy, he blasted Kai off, strong enough that it sent that boy flying up into the sky.

Before Kai could get up, Taehyun muttered a spell, and immediately thick vines shot out of the trees, wrapping the Summoner's arms and feet, suspending him above the ground.

"Get this thing off me, Sorcerer! Or I swear, your death won't feel as pleasant as you would wish!" Brown-eyed Kai growled furiously, struggling against the vines that seemed to tighten around his body.

"Sorcerer, really?" Taehyun rolled his eyes, not annoyed at the Summoner but to himself. He should've known. He should've suspected from the beginning as soon as the younger was acting weird. "You became a traitor, and suddenly you don't know my name?" He looked him in the eyes and knew his suspicion was correct.

He just has to confirm it, to be sure.

"What the hell are you yapping on about, Sorcerer? Don't talk familiarly with me! I don't even know who you are..." Kai sent another glare at him while he continued to struggle.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now