Chapter 34

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-Step 6-

Use all the preparation to fulfill your mission

Irene's POV:

"Glo-ri-a in ex-cél-sis Deo

Et in ter-ra pax

Ho-mí-ni-bus bo-nae vo-lun-tá-tis"

It was All Saints Day. November 1st. One of the most important festivals in the catholic church. A celebration for all Saints, known or unknown. Nobody would be excluded. The fest had been established in the 9th century by Pope Gregory IV and got extended to the whole catholic church. Now is was only celebrated on November 1st in the Western church.

It was in the middle of the All Hallowtide season which include the All Hallows' Eve, the All Saints' Day and the All Souls' Day. Today, they would celebrate with the Nuns of the Franciscan order.

It had been a long tradition of the school to invite the 35 Nuns of the other convent in Lakeland. They would guide them through the school, tell them stories about old Saints and would offer them delicious food to reconstruct the Last Supper.

It always had been an important day for Irene. Now, it was a chance.

"Lau-dá-mus te,

Be-ne-dí-ci-mus te,

a-do-rá-mus te,

glo-ri-fi-cá-mus te"

The whole school had gathered on the gran plaza in front of the school. The students were standing in a row, singing the Latin "Glória in excelsis Deo". At the entrance were the Franciscan Nuns, listening to the chore intently. It was their way of welcoming the visitors.

"Grá-ti-as á-gi-tamus

Tibi propter magnam

Gló-ri-am tu-am"

She was singing the song impatiently and sloppy. The rhythm was too slow, too boring and too tiring. Couldn't the Nuns finally enter? Couldn't they finally start with the prayer in the chapel? When would they make their tour in the school?

She had many questions. She was too excited. Everything could go wrong. Still, she loved the risk.

"Cum Sancto Spí-ri-tu:

In Gló-ri-a De-I Pa-tris.


Seulgi's POV:

"It's lovely too see you."

"God bless you."

"Welcome to our school."

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