Chapter 4

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Once the meeting is over, you head over to Joe's trailer and knock on the door. "Come on in". You hesitate when you hear an unknown voice, but you open the door and step inside. Joe is sitting in the hair chair and the hair designer, Sarah, is working on his wig. "Hello, sweetheart". Joe says this in an American accent. You are in absolute shock because his American accent is so on point. "Woah, I would have never recognized that voice". You take a seat on the couch and smile at him. "Why thank you. I have been working hard at it for a long time". "So this is Eddie Munson", you say and look him up and down. He notices you doing this and you feel a little embarrassed.

"Dungeon master and metalhead in the flesh. What do you think? I hope you don't mind me using my American accent. Ask Sarah, I'm being an absolute nut about it". He looks at her and she laughs. "Oh you know, just asking, "do I sound okay? Do I sound American enough?" Like a million times". "Joe, seriously, I thought there was another man in this trailer when I first heard you". You hope that makes him feel a little more confident about it. You have noticed that Joe can be self deprecating at times.

"Alright, all done Eddie. Time for you to head to set for some promo pics", Sarah says as she finishes his wig. Joe stands up and you look at his costume. He's wearing a shirt that says "Hellfire Club" with a red demon on it. Over that he is wearing a leather jacket, and on top of that is a denim vest. He's wearing black ripped jeans with a chain hanging and Reebok's. He's wearing a bunch of rings too. Joe is quite unrecognizable in this get up.

"Well, I'm off to take some photos, but then I'll be back and I'll be done for the day. Do you have anything going on now?" You shake your head no. "I'm done for the day, actually". Joe smiles and offers, "I'm sure you can come join me on set and watch, if you'd like. Or you can hang out in here. Or do whatever, really". You notice that Joe sticks his tongue out a little bit when he seems to be nervous, and you find it absolutely adorable, even dressed as Eddie Munson.

You stand up and say, "I will join you on set. It will be nice to see the Duffers and the crew anyway. Lead the way, Eddie". Joe smiles and opens the door, stretching his arm to offer you to go. "Ladies first", he says, but in his British accent. "Hey, what happened to Eddie?" You smile at him playfully. He laughs at your comment. You walk side by side to set, and when you see the set up for the photoshoot you smile. "Good luck" you say to Joe and he heads over to the Duffers. They are totally loving the way he looks as Eddie and you can tell they are so happy they chose him to play the part.

"Hey, y/n!" You hear Keery call from the side of the set. He's standing with Maya and Natalia. You stand over with them and chat for a couple minutes until you hear, "quiet on the set," and heavy metal music starts. You assume that this will help Joe get into character as he's taking the promo pics.

You all watch Joe as he transforms into this new character, even without speaking a single line

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You all watch Joe as he transforms into this new character, even without speaking a single line. "Damn, he's gonna kill this Eddie character, I just know it", Maya says. You of course have a copy of everyone's shooting schedule for the week and made sure to really look at Joe's. You were secretly super excited about tomorrow because Joe will be filming a huge introduction scene for Eddie. You just know that he's going to be amazing.

Once Joe was finished with his promo shoot, he walks over to the group and says, "I'm done for today. What's everyone up to tonight?" Keery, Maya, and Natalia look at each other and shrug. "Not sure yet, don't you have your big scene to shoot tomorrow though?" Maya asks with a concerned tone.

"Thanks for the reminder", Joe says with a nervous smile. He looks over at you and asks you the same question about tonight. "I don't have plans". Everyone walks outside and since you came in a couple hours ago, it has really heated up outside. Keery says, "Damn, it's hot as hell out here. That pool at Noah's is sounding real nice right now". That makes everyone look at each other with the same idea. "Who's going to ask Noah if we can come over today?" Asks Maya. "Let me go find him", says Keery. "I'll see you guys later. Hopefully we will be in the pool in no time!"

You're not sure what to do at the moment because mostly everyone is done for the day. Should I just Uber back to my apartment for now? Your thoughts are interrupted by that lovely voice. "Do you want to hang out until we know what the plan is?" Joe asks and fidgets with the rings on his fingers. You try to act cool, but ultimately say yes right away.

"I just have to have Sarah get this beast off me and change and then I'll be good to go.  Would you mind waiting in my trailer?" "Not at all", you say with a smile. As Joe turns from Eddie back into his normal self, you talk about your day and how tomorrow will be. "Not gonna lie, I'm nervous about my big scene tomorrow", Joe says to you. "I'm sure you'll be brilliant". You want to tell him that you want to watch it. "Hey Joe?" You speak up and he immediately looks at you. "Mmm?" "I was hoping I could watch you tomorrow. Just your cafeteria scene, you know. Seeing you in your full Eddie get up today was incredible". You mean this genuinely.

He smiles and then does his cute little tongue thing again. You're starting to like when he does that. If he does that when he's nervous, does that mean he's nervous around you? "You are welcome to watch, y/n". Before you say anything else, Sarah says "all done. See you bright and early". She packs up her station and heads for the door. Joe thanks her and looks at you. "I am going to change and then we can see what everyone else is up to." You nod your head and then look at your phone, checking to see if Noah sent a text out. He hasn't yet, so you just sit and wait for Joe.

As he is in the bathroom changing out of his costume, you notice the door is cracked just a little. Avert your eyes, don't look. Don't look! You just can't help it. You see Joe taking his shirt off and look at his back muscles. His skin looks so flawless and you have this urge to touch him. You want to know what he feels like.

You look away briefly and act as if you saw nothing. I literally just met this man and he's got me wanting to touch him...wanting him to touch me. Joe comes out of the bathroom and hangs up his costume. "Okay, ready then?" You shake your head yes, snapping out of your intrusive thoughts. You both leave the trailer and head over to see what's going on for the night.

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