Chapter 27

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You and Joe are almost back to the hotel and you are determined to get that Plan B pill. However, your plan is interrupted immediately as you see about thirty fans outside of the hotel, presumably waiting to see Joe and the other cast members. "Babe, look." You rub Joe's arm gently as he just dozed off for a few minutes. "Oh, wow," he whispers and rubs his eyes. "It will be fine, right? There's not too many people out there." You say and he leans forward to get a better look. "No, I don't think there will be a problem," he replies hesitantly. "Should we see if someone from the hotel can come outside?" You ask, not sure how to handle it. "Nah, I will say hello and you just stay right by my side." You nod your head and feel a little nervous. Once the driver parks and opens the van door, Joe steps out and you immediately hear screaming and people yelling Joe's name.

He looks at you, gives you a smile and a nod, and puts his hand out for you to hold. Once you step out of the van, you realize that there are more than thirty people outside of the hotel. They start to move to get very close to Joe, but he is polite and greets them. "Can I get a picture?!" One woman says. Another says, "Can I have a hug? Oh my God!" You giggle because it's so sweet how Joe is already loved and the show isn't even out yet. "Eddie is going to carry this whole season, I just know it!" A man says to him and Joe smiles and says, "That's very kind of you to say, thank you".

Watching your boyfriend treat his fans so kindly makes you fall even more in love with him, if that's possible. Although it's just for a couple of seconds each, you watch as Joe greets his fans and lets them know that he truly appreciates them. You snap out of it as a woman yells, "Y/n! You and Joe are sooo cute!" You smile, wave, and say "Thank you!" It starts getting a little hectic and at this point you're both almost at the door. Joe gives another fan a big hug and then waves at everyone. He puts both hands to his mouth and blows a kiss to everyone and the screaming only gets louder. You do one more little wave and turn to head inside with Joe.

Once you're inside and away from the crowd, Joe looks at you and says, "well that was completely mad," and you laugh and step forward to hug him tightly. "They truly love you, Joe. It's just the sweetest thing to see", you reassure him. You both head back up to your room and you change into one of Joe's t-shirts and a pair of comfy shorts. You inhale his signature scent of Sauvage Dior and cigarettes. You then put your hair up with a claw clip and head to the bedroom. Joe is also changing into more comfortable clothes. He decides to wear a fresh white tee and sweats. "How are you feeling, babe?" You ask him as you sit on the bed and he replies, "I feel a little more energized now because of the fans outside, but I am still tired. We are staying in tonight, yeah?" You smile at him and reply, "Oh, absolutely. I say we order room service and watch a movie".

The Stranger Things Season 4 premiere is tomorrow, so that will be the longest day yet during your trip. You were super excited about it and couldn't wait to watch the first episode with Joe and everyone else . You look at Joe and he's got a look on his face that tells you he's got a different plan. "I like the idea of room service, but how about we also utilize that huge bathtub in there," he says lusciously and nods his head towards the bathroom. Your insides literally combust when you hear him say this, and you reply quickly, "Yes. Absolutely, yes". Joe giggles, crawls onto the bed towards you, and gives you a soft kiss on your lips. "I will order room service. Could you get the bath ready, love?" You steal one more kiss and nod your head. You head to the bathroom and turn the water on. You try to make the water temperature just right for the both of you. You then pour bubble bath in and start the jets. You change out of your clothes and put a robe on while you wait for Joe to come into the bathroom. You fix your hair and adjust your claw clip.

"I may have just ordered the entire menu," you hear Joe say as he stands in the doorway. "With your appetite, I wouldn't be surprised, babe," you reply jokingly. "How long did they say it will take to be delivered to our room?" You ask and Joe says, "They said an hour. I wasn't kidding when I said I ordered the whole menu," and he starts laughing. "Well, that's perfect. The bath is just about ready," you say, and as Joe is staring at you, you untie the belt of your robe and slide it down your naked body. Joe bites his lip and watches as you step into the hot water, and sit down. "It is a little hot, you warn your boyfriend. "I can handle it," Joe says in a sexy tone. He walks over to the tub and pulls his shirt off. He then pulls his sweats and briefs off, and you smile at the beautiful view. Joe puts one foot in the tub and says, "shit, that is hot!" And you laugh and say, "I wasn't lying, babe. Now get that cute ass in here". He laughs, steps in all the way, and sits behind you. You lay back and the feeling of your naked back on his naked chest is absolutely immaculate.

Joe takes his hand, cups some water, and pours it down your arms. He then grabs the soap and whispers, "Let me wash you," and you sit up a little. He takes the bar of soap and rubs your back with it. He is so gentle while he rubs the soap all over and you're feeling so relaxed. "That feels amazing," you say and tilt your head to the side. Joe kisses the side of your neck and you take a deep breath and make a little moan. "Good, now lay back on my chest, love," he demands sweetly, and you obey his command. He then takes the bar of soap and holds it on your chest. He starts moving it around in circles and eventually rubs your breasts. His hands are soft, soapy, and warm, and the feeling is sensational. He makes sure he gets every inch of your upper body with the soap, and then carefully washes it off with the warm water. "My turn", you whisper and look over your shoulder at your gorgeous man. His beard is growing in and he looks so incredibly handsome. There were times you could hardly bear how stunning Joe is, and this was one of them.

Joe kisses your shoulder and hands you the soap. You giggle as it almost slides from your hand and turn your body carefully to face him. You reach over and touch his chest with the soap and start rubbing. You take in his upper body and your eyes light up at the sight of him. You can hardly handle the way Joe is looking at you, so you focus on washing his chest, shoulders, and stomach. "Is this good?" You ask him sweetly and he replies, "perfect". "Turn around," you say so you can wash his back. He does so and as you hold the soap in one hand, you reach to touch his back with your other hand. His back feels so soft, but you could also feel his muscles. "What's going on back there?" Joe asks cheekily and you giggle and reply, "just admiring". You then put the soap on his back and start washing him again. Once you're done, you rinse his back with the water and he turns back around to face you.

Joe whispers, "Thank you, baby", and leans in for a kiss. Your heart is literally about to explode from how in love you are with this man. "You're welcome", you say and meet his lips for a delicious kiss. He breaks the kiss and stares into your eyes. "I could get lost in your eyes, y/n", he says and you smile and reply, "you're telling me. I think you take the cake when it comes to most captivating eyes". "There's no competition, sweetheart", he says and you can tell by the look in his eyes that he wants to say more, so you wait. You can tell that he was a little nervous, but it was so incredibly sweet. It takes a couple of seconds, but then he says, "I love you, y/n, so much." You smile as he continues, "You are my rock and I appreciate you so much. I have never felt this way about anyone, ever. I am so in love with you and you make me so happy. I feel like I don't tell you that enough and I'm sorry. But...just thank you for loving me the way you do." You can't help but get emotional when you see him like this and hear his words, but you just smile and he leans in to kiss you.

"I love you too, Joe. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You never have to apologize about not expressing yourself enough, either. I know that you love me and just know I am so in love with you too. Everyday I learn something new and fall in love with you all over again." Joe gives you one of his amazing smiles and you literally melt. He puts his hand on the back of your neck to pull you in, kisses you sweetly, and says, "you're it for me, babes." You giggle and as you were about to respond, you hear a knock at the main door. Joe gives you a big smile and says, "Time to feast."

Daydreaming | Joseph QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now