Chapter 10

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Once you and Joe are outside the trailer walking towards his car, you have an urge to hold his hand. This relationship between the two of you is certainly new, and you're not sure if you should show any kind of PDA.

You look at him walking next to you and you get flashbacks of what just happened in the trailer. You can't help but think about the way his fingers felt inside of you, or the image of him sucking on his fingers. You had to stop fantasizing before you pulled his ass back into the trailer for round two.

You immediately snap out of it as his hand brushes against yours. You smile at him and he reaches his arm around you, leaving it there as you're walking together.

"It sounds like tonight may be low key as far as plans go with everyone." Joe looks at his phone. "I don't mind. I'm feeling a little tired actually", you say with a smile. He raises his eyebrow at you and gives you one of those flirty smiles. "Tired, eh? Whatever from?" You giggle and playfully push his arm.

"How about you come to my apartment?" You offer. He thinks about it for a second. "What are we going to do?" You weren't prepared for his question. "How about we make some dinner and then watch a movie. We can have a relaxing night. Tomorrow's another long day."

Joe pulls you in a little closer and kisses the top of your head. You're surprised that he just did that outside of the privacy of the trailer. "Sounds lovely". You get into his car and head to your apartment.

Once you're inside, you slip off your shoes and head to the kitchen. Joe drops his backpack on the couch and follows you. "Okay, what will it be? I don't have a lot right now, but I make a mean spaghetti." He laughs after you say this and says "that is perfect. I'm starving". You pull out everything you need and then grab a bottle of wine. "Would you like a glass?" He smiles and nods. He sits on the bar stool by the counter and sips his wine.

After a couple of minutes, you feel Joe slip his hands around your waist and kiss the side of your neck. You smile and laugh and he continues to hold you like this for several minutes. Once you move over to grab the box of noodles, you quickly turn around and face him. "Will you stay with me tonight?" You ask timidly, not sure what he will say. "I was waiting for you to ask". You smile and give him a soft kiss on his lips. You turn back around and continue doing what you need to do to finish dinner. "Can you grab two plates and two forks please?" He kisses your cheek then grabs them after you tell them which cabinet they're in.

He sets the table and makes sure you sit across from each other. Finally the spaghetti is done and you serve yourself and Joe. You are still feeling like you're in a daydream while you're eating dinner together. You have both admitted some kind of feelings for each other, and it feels amazing.

"What scene are you filming tomorrow?" Joe takes another sip of wine and says, "the dungeons and dragons scene. To be honest I have no idea about the game, but it should be fun". He tells you what time he will be filming, but you then realize you'll have a client at that time. You're disappointed that you won't be able to watch him as Eddie.

"I still can't get over how incredible you were today. " You feel yourself blush as you compliment him. "Thank you. I think it went really well. I just hope Eddie comes across the screen how I intend to portray him". You hear his insecurities come out and you want to climb on the table over to him and just hug him. There were times when he did not see how amazing he truly is.

"The fans will love you, I'm sure of it", you say with a reassuring smile. After you're both finished eating, Joe helps you clean up. You then go into your bedroom and Joe changes out of his clothes and is dressed only in his briefs. He then jumps onto your bed. "Mhm, this will do". "Who said you're sleeping in my bed?" you ask with a skeptical look, and notice that he's wearing just his underwear. Joe's eyes are closed and he whispers, "Do you not want cuddles tonight?" You die a little inside from how cute he is. "You better not hog the blankets. I'm going to take a shower and I'll be right out. You can choose a movie for us to watch". You then head to the bathroom.

Once you're out of the shower and in your pjs, you come back into the bedroom and find Joe asleep. You giggle quietly because it is the cutest sight ever. He's got the blankets under his arm and looks so comfy. You're not sure how to climb into bed and not disturb him. You reach for the comforter and unfold it so you can slide in.

Joe adjusts when he feels you get into the bed, and he makes a soft sound. "What took you so long? I need my little spoon." Your heart flutters when you hear him say this. "Sorry, hair wash day". You turn your body so you can back into him and snuggle up close. He wraps his arm around you and you lay there quietly. You weren't ready to go to sleep, but you could easily lay there for hours just listening to Joe breathe softly.

Eventually you roll over so you can look at Joe's face. He is so peaceful when he sleeps, he's absolutely stunning. You lean forward and kiss his nose. He opens his eyes a little and smiles at you. "Thank you for dinner". You give him another kiss on his nose. "You're welcome. So, no movie tonight, sleepyhead?" Joe shakes his head no. "I'm exhausted". You totally understand this.  "Okay, no worries. I'll set an alarm." As soon as you set your phone down, you hear Joe whisper sweetly, "Goodnight, y/n. I'll see you in my dreams".

It was at that moment you realize that you are in love with Joseph Quinn.

Daydreaming | Joseph QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now