Chapter 28

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You and Joe step out of the tub and dry off quickly. You each wrap yourself in a robe and head to the door. When Joe opens it, there is a cart with ten covered covered plates, bread baskets, martini glasses, and champagne glasses. Joe pulls the cart inside of the room and says "where should we eat?" You look at everything and just can't help but giggle. You look at him and say, "Babe, who's going to eat all of this?" Joe laughs and says, "I may have gone overboard, just a bit". You head over to the bed and sit down. "Dinner in bed?" you suggest sweetly and Joe replies, "sure, why not?" He brings everything over and starts to uncover the plates. You weren't surprised to see oysters since they were Joe's favorite starter. He ordered mostly both of your favorite foods, which made you smile. There were various breads, French fries, oysters, fish, pizza, and pasta. There were also sides of broccoli and potatoes, and of course, his favorite dessert, pistachio ice cream.

Joe makes himself comfortable on the bed, grabs the martini glass and pours himself a drink. He takes a sip, moans, and says "I fucking love a filthy martini". You're insides melt when he says this, and you ask him to pour you a glass of champagne. As you watch him pour the champagne, you think about the Plan B pill. You hesitate for a second because you want to ask Joe something. He hands you the glass, smiles sweetly, and says, "to us, my love", and moves his glass towards yours to cheers. You just look at him though, and he can tell you're thinking about something. "What's going through your head?" He whispers and you wait a couple more seconds. "I've been thinking...about Plan B." you start and Joe just nods his head. "What if I just...don't take it? What if we just...wait and see what happens?" Joe just looks at you and he stays quiet, so you say, "I mean, I'm on birth control. I know it's not 100% effective, but it should be okay, right?" You're not sure what Joe is going to say, so you instantly become nervous. You set your glass down on the nightstand, look down at your hands, and can't help but start fidgeting. A couple seconds later, Joe gently places one hand on yours to calm you.  He then lifts your chin up to look at his gorgeous face. You look straight into those chocolate brown eyes and your heart begins pounding excessively.

"You seem so nervous to talk to me about this, y/n. Please don't be, love. I'm your partner and this is something we must talk about," Joe says gently. You nod your head and he continues, "Taking the pill would make sure there is no chance of pregnancy, but you're saying you would rather just wait and see what happens?" Hearing him summarize your words makes you start to think twice, but before you can reply, Joe says, "I love you, y/n. You're my whole world, and like I said back in the tub, you're it for me, love." Your heart is now pounding so crazily you swear you can hear it. "Not taking the pill would be taking a risk, surely, considering both of our careers right now. Having a baby would change our lives forever," he explains and you nod your head because you totally understand. "But, I am so in love with the thought of you being a mum, especially to my babies, that I think...I also think we should see what happens". You were not sure how Joe would react to all of this, but he exceeded your expectations, of course. "Are you serious?" You whisper and can feel yourself getting emotional.

Joe leans forward to kiss you and then says, "I am, love. I obviously know that there is a very good chance that your birth control will be effective. But, I still absolutely love the idea of you as a mum to our little Quinns." Joe saying "our little Quinns" makes your heart skip a million beats. You look into Joe's eyes and cannot break your gaze from his. In this moment, you just know that Joe is the one. Of course, you have been feeling this way for quite some time now. However, something in this moment truly validated your feelings. Joe is such a sweet, thoughtful, and passionate man. He would always be there to take care of you and make sure you were happy, safe, and loved. This was the man you were going to marry and have a family with. You just knew it within your entire being. "Everything is going to be okay, y/n. You and I can get through anything together. Do you trust me?" Joe asks and you reply, "Yes, absolutely." He smiles, reaches for your hand, and asks, "How are you feeling now?" You take a deep breath, exhale, and say, "I feel a lot better. Thank you for always being so wonderful. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to". You lean forward and give him another kiss.

Once you sit back, you grab your champagne and say, "to us". Joe smiles, grabs his martini glass, repeats "to us", and you clink your glasses together. You stare into each other's eyes as you take a sip, and then set the glasses down. "We should eat before everything gets cold," you say and Joe replies, "you just read my mind". You both enjoy your dinner and are so full afterwards. You both clean up, place everything back on the cart, and then you take it and park it outside of your room. Once you head back to the bedroom, Joe is changing back into his white tee and sweats. "Time for bed?" You ask and he nods and replies, "I am going to try to get a good night's rest before the big day tomorrow." You walk over to Joe, wrap your arms around him, and say "It's going to be so amazing, babe.I can't wait to see Eddie on the big screen." He leans down to give you a kiss on the top of your head. "I just hope they like Eddie," he whispers and you still can't believe how self conscious he can be at times. You look up at your boyfriend and say, "As much as I think everyone on Stranger Things is so incredibly talented, I have to agree with your fan outside of the hotel tonight. Eddie is absolutely going to carry the entire season". Joe giggles and gives you a tight, warm hug. "Thank you baby. I'm so glad you will be my side tomorrow. My beautiful..." as Joe continues, he gives you sweet little kisses on your face between each word, " of my life". You can't help but giggle as his kisses tickle your face. You also have to urge to melt into a puddle and are glad that he is holding you so tightly.

"I love you, Joe", you say and give him one more squeeze. "I love you too, y/n," he replies and continues, "alright, let's get ready for bed. I will need snuggles to help me fall asleep tonight". You walk to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. Once you're finished, you head back to the bedroom and Joe is already in bed all covered up. You climb into bed and he opens his arms for you. "Goodnight my love, sweet dreams," he whispers in your ear and kisses your cheek. "Goodnight, babe, sleep well," you reply and get comfortable in his arms. Just a couple minutes later, all you hear is the sound of Joe's breathing and occasional soft snores. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep, feeling so overwhelmed with joy at the life you have with your one and only.

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