Chapter 18

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Once you and Joe are ready for the day, you both head to set. This is the first time you will see the cast and crew since the article came out. You're not sure if people will say anything, but you're still a little nervous. Joe can see this as you walk together and he grabs your hand, gives it a kiss, and says, "everything will be fine, love." You smile at him and nod your head. It's time for you to part ways for the day so you give him one more kiss and he gives you a big, warm hug. "'I'll see you later. I love you, y/n." he says and you are still reeling about those three words. "I love you too. Good luck today." You say with a smile. He winks at you and then turns to head towards his trailer. You then head for yours. Once you walk inside, Finn is sitting in a chair getting his makeup done.

"Good morning", he says with a smile. "Hi Finn, how are you?" You say politely. "Good, good", he replies and he keeps looking at you like he wants to say something. You sigh, and say "just say it, Finn." He hesitates for a second and says, "I don't mean to be nosy, but I just wanted to say that you and Joe make a cute couple, that's all. But I'm not going to lie, I thought something was up when I saw you two late last night." You start to feel flushed at the memory of Joe fucking you from behind. "Uhm, yeah, we were just...talking," you lie. Finn nods his head and you say "well, thanks Finn. I wasn't sure if anyone was going to say anything today or not. You're the first one." Finn laughs and says, "hey, it's all good. I'm sure everyone is happy for you guys." Suddenly there is a knock at the door and Keery comes inside. "What's up guys?" He says and gives you a smile. "Hey man" Finn says and gives him a high five/handshake combo.

"Hey, y/n, how are you today?" Keery asks genuinely. "This morning, I'm good. Last night, not so much." Keery just looks at you as he looks for an explanation. "After you called Joe and I found out about the picture and article, I looked it up and read Instagram comments" you admit. Both Finn and Keery make a face and Keery says, "Never do that. That's never a good idea". You feel embarrassed but then he says, "Does Joe know you did that?" You shake your head yes and told him what Joe said about it this morning. "He wants to protect you, that's all." Keery says. He truly is such a nice guy and a great friend of Joe's. "I know." You say and you smile at the memory of him telling you that he's in love with you. Keery then sits down in your chair and you start working on him. "Busy day today?" You ask him and he sighs and replies, "Yep, but it's all good. Should be a fun day." Once you're finished with Keery and he leaves the trailer, you grab your phone to check the time. You see you have a text from Joe that was sent thirty minutes ago.

Joe: Missing you already. Gonna need my fix soon.

You smile and shake your head.

You: Miss you more. You'll get your fix later, I promise. But now you need to focus on being scared shitless about Chrissy.

Joe: 😝

You laugh and then put your phone back down. You know Joe has another big scene today and it will probably be exhausting. He will be absolutely incredible though, as always. Around lunch time you head to the main building to grab something to eat. Once you have your food, you see Gaten, Maya, Sadie, and Caleb eating together. "Hey, y/n, come sit with us!" Gaten yells over at you. You smile, walk over, and sit down. "Hey guys, how's everyone doing today?" You ask politely. "Good" Gaten says. "Tired" Maya says. Sadie nod Caleb basically agree with both statements. You can already read Gaten's mind and at this point you're just waiting for him to say something. "So...did you see the picture?" Gaten asks hesitantly. You look at him and nod your head. Before he can say anything else, Sadie sweetly says, "I think you and Joe are super cute together, by the way. I had no idea!" You smile at her and blush. "Uh, yeah, I mean I wasn't expecting this to happen necessarily. It just did." Caleb smiles when you say this.

"Speak of the devil", you hear Maya say and your heart skips a beat. You turn around and see Joe dressed as Eddie, walking straight for you."Hey you", he says sweetly and sits next to you. He puts his arm around your shoulders and brings you in to kiss your cheek. Everyone at the table looks at the both of you with big smiles. "Okay, you guys are disgustingly cute that's enough", Gaten says and you roll your eyes but giggle. "How's it going?" You ask him and he says "Good, I think. It was a pretty intense scene, but I think we got it." You smile at your boyfriend, and you are just so happy that he's all yours.

After enjoying a couple minutes with Joe, he has to go back to finish filming for the day. "I'll text you when I'm done, okay?" He leans in to give you a quick kiss on the lips and then heads off. You are aware that you probably have a silly smile on your face right now, but you just can't help it. You then head back to your trailer to continue working. You only have a couple more clients for today.

An hour later, you hear a knock at the door and you're hoping it's Joe, but when they don't open the door right away, you realize it must be someone else. Once you open the door you see a man you have never met before. "Hey, you're y/n, right?" "Yep, that's me. Hi, uh, who are you?" You say hesitantly. "Hey, I'm Chris, I'm friends with Joe. I'm kind of like his agent/publicist at the moment. (A/n I have no idea what his agent's name is so bear with me lol). Can I come in?" You're not sure why he's here, or where he's been this whole time, but you let him in anyway. "What's up?" You ask and you soon wish you hadn't let him in.

"So, I've been hearing things. About you and Joe. And I saw the article about you two." Chris starts to explain. You nod your head and aren't too sure what this is about. "Well, y/n, as a friend, I'm super happy for Joe. But as his agent, I'm going to be honest, this is going to become a nightmare." Now you're confused. "A nightmare?" You repeat. "Yes, for lack of a better word. Joe has been in some projects here and there but has never truly been in THE spotlight. Stranger Things is really going to boost him into that spotlight and accelerate his career. I just don't necessarily think being in a...relationship is a good idea at the moment." He says and you're not sure what to say.

You just met this guy and he's shitting on your relationship with Joe. "Okay..." you say hesitantly and he nods his head. "I'm sorry to come off so strong, but if you truly care about Joe, it would be best for you to break things off so he can focus on his career, and not other...things." "Things? You mean, me, right?" You say, and now you're pissed. "Look, I understand that Joe is an incredible actor and when this season premieres the fans are going to adore him. But why does he have to sacrifice our relationship because of it? Or me for that matter. I won't do it. I love him and he loves me. Please leave my trailer."

Chris then stands up and heads for the door. "Well, just so you know, in a year from now when this season premieres, you two probably won't even be together." That's it, now you're livid. "Get out of my trailer! Now, or I will call security. Get out, you asshole!" You say, yelling at him. He walks out and you feel tears forming and your hands are shaking. What the fuck just happened?! You grab your phone and you try texting Joe but you're hands can't type fast enough.

You: Please come see me asap, it's an emergency.

You wait a few minutes and assume Joe is still filming. You can't wait for him to come see you though, so you head out of the trailer to try to find him. You try your best to wipe your tears. After searching for fifteen minutes, your search is useless. You start walking back to your trailer and feel the tears pouring down your face. Suddenly, you hear "hey, what's wrong, baby?" and you stop.

You turn around and Joe sees your face. He grabs you and gives you a tight hug. "What's the matter?" He asks again but you can't help but cry even more. Joe walks with you and takes you into your trailer. He sits you down on the couch and holds you as you cry. You're trying to tell him what happened earlier, but it's hard to get the words out. "Please tell me, y/n. Whatever it is, everything will be okay." Joe whispers lovingly. At this moment, though, you weren't too sure about that.

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