Chapter 17

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While Joe is sleeping you fight the urge to grab your phone but ultimately lose. You know you probably shouldn't look at the pictures, but you just can't help it. You Google Joe and there they are. The pictures are attached to one of the top articles with a picture of you two together. Joe has his arm around you and is kissing the top of your head.

Stranger Things Newcomer Joseph Quinn Enjoys Day Off at Six Flags with Mystery Woman.

It doesn't seem so bad, so you click on the Instagram icon. It takes you to their page and you hesitate as your finger hovers over the comment section. You tap it anyway and start reading.

He's got a gf?! Nooo my heart can't take it. 😭

How does it feel to live my dream?! AHHHHH. 😢

She ain't even cute wtfff 🤢

He could do better imo 🙄

You stop immediately as the comments turn negative. This is the first time you have experienced being criticized online and it definitely sucks. You want to wake Joe up and show him the comments, but you look at him and he's sleeping peacefully. You take a deep breath and put your phone down. You lay down and get as close to Joe as you can without waking him up. He adjusts for a second and wraps his arm around you. You smile because you're here with him and that's all that matters. You try not to think about the comments too much as you eventually fall asleep.

You wake up to Joe's alarm and when you open your eyes he's already reading something on his phone. For a split second you forgot about the pictures, article, and comments you read last night. Seeing Joe looking at his phone with his brows furrowed brings it all back. "Hey, there you are". He leans down and gives you a kiss on your cheek. "Good morning, babe. What are you reading?" You ask nervously. "This stupid article Keery told me about last night. I try to avoid reading things like this, but since you are involved I wanted to see it."

You nod your head and stay quiet. "It's not the worst thing I've seen". You interrupt immediately. "You haven't seen the Instagram comments though, have you?" He looks at you suspiciously and says, "you read comments on Instagram? When was this?" You tell him about last night while he was asleep. His face turns into a frown and he looks at you with those deep, brown eyes.

"Baby, why would you read those? Trust me, I know it's tempting, but once you read any negative comment it tends to stick with you." You feel embarrassed, so you look away from him. "I know...but they already have." You are trying to not get upset all over again. "Y/n, look at me, please." You can't resist him, so you look into his eyes. "Promise me you won't read those articles and go on Instagram to read negative comments again. Please." He's basically begging you. You take a deep breath and hold his hand. "Okay, Joe. I promise." He nods his head and gives you a kiss. You can tell there is something he wants to say, so you try your best to be patient.

"Remember last night, before Keery interrupted me, I was telling you how I feel about our relationship? How I feel about you." Your heart begins to pound and you swear Joe could probably hear it. He sits up in the bed and you do the same. This is definitely giving you flashbacks from last night. "Yes", you say and he continues. "I will do anything to protect you. To keep you safe. To make you feel happy and comfortable with me. That being said...I have come to the realization, y/n, that I..." you are about to pass out from the intensity that is in Joe's eyes. "That I have fallen in love with you. I love you. I want you. And I want to be with you."

Your heart literally explodes and the butterflies in your stomach are fluttering uncontrollably at his confession. You smile at him as he is just looking at you, completely nervous and adorable. Before you even say anything, you leap forward to give him a kiss and a big hug. He laughs and you can tell he's not sure what to say. Once you collect yourself and sit back down, you look into his chocolate eyes and say, "I have fallen in love with you too, Joe. I love you, and I want to be with you. You make me so happy." Joe's face turns into one of his best smiles, the one that lights his whole face up. "I was so nervous though." He raises his eyebrow at your statement.

"About what?" You explain, "I wasn't sure if you felt the same way about me. I know it's been a short amount of time. But we've spent so much time together. I knew I was falling in love with you when I watched your introduction scene." He gives you a look. "So you're in love with Eddie, not me?" You roll your eyes. "Stop! It's you. Absolutely you. The passion you have for your art is incredible. You are incredible. And funny, and sweet, and sexy." Joe laughs and says "Okay, now you're making me blush. Come here, you." He grabs you and you giggle as he kisses you all over your lips face and your face.

"So does this mean we're like...boyfriend and girlfriend?" You ask and he smiles. "Would you like me to ask you, then? Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks adorably and you giggle. "Yes, Joe. I'll be your girlfriend." He leans forward and gives you a sweet, soft kiss. "I love you", he whispers. Your heart does a little flip because hearing him say those words in that delicious British accent is absolutely euphoric. "I love you, Joe." You smile because you can tell Joe loves hearing you say it as much as you love hearing him say it.

After a few minutes of laying together completely content, you decide to get up and get ready for the day. It was back to work for the both of you, and it was going to be a long day.

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