Chapter 7

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You grab another drink and head towards the pool. You can't believe what just happened. Joe kissed you! And it was amazing. Joe goes to sit down by the boys as you step into the pool. He catches you looking at him and smiles at you. "So y/n, how has everyone been treating you?" Maya asks. You aren't sure whether she is being genuine or not, but answer politely. "Everyone has been super sweet and I am feeling very welcome". She returns a smile at you and then takes a sip of her drink. Does she know what's going on between Joe and I?

You continue on another conversation with Noah and Millie. Eventually it gets pretty late and people start leaving. By now you've had too many drinks, and you're feeling it. You step out of the pool and try to find your towel. You finally see it, grab it, and wrap it around yourself. Your balance is off a bit but try to play it cool. Joe notices you stumbling and heads over to you right away. "You okay?" You say "imfineee" in your drunken state. "Let me help you get your things." You nod your head. He holds you as he walks you inside the apartment.

"Is she okay?" Noah asks, seeming to have had a good amount of drinks tonight too. "I will make sure she is. See you all tomorrow." He helps you walk outside to the front. He puts you in the passenger seat in his car and then sits in the driver's seat. "Thank you for taking me home", you say but Joe quickly replies, "you're not going home, I'm taking you to my place. You are staying with me tonight". You give him a skeptical look. "You're drunk and I want to make sure you're safe". You do not argue with him as he starts the car.

On the way to Joe's apartment those drinks really hit you. You feel super dizzy and lean your head against the window. "I'm sorry I ruined the night", you say and Joe holds your hand. "You did no such thing. Just relax, we will be at my place soon". He helps you into his apartment and you sit on the couch. "I have no clothes to sleep in", you say and Joe leaves the room for a second. When he returns, he brings you one of his t-shirts and a pair of shorts. "Here, you can wear these". You smile at him and stand up, heading towards the bathroom to change.

Somehow you remembered your bag that has a pair of underwear in it, so you put those on after taking your wet bikini off. You put Joe's t-shirt on and it smells divine. The t-shirt is long enough to cover your butt, so you decide against wearing the shorts. You don't really care either, because all you need right now is to lay down. You then head towards the bedroom to find Joe to ask him where you will sleep.

When he sees you in his shirt and nothing else, he freezes and doesn't say a word. A couple seconds later he clears his throat. "Uhm, you can sleep in the bed. I will take the couch". You remember that Joe has a long day tomorrow. "I can sleep on the couch. I want you to get a good night's sleep". He smiles at you. "I will get a good night's sleep knowing that you are safe and comfortable in my bed. Now go on, I insist."

When you climb into bed, Joe brings you water and some ibuprofen so you are not hungover in the morning. "Good night, y/n. See you in the morning", Joe says, gives you a kiss on your cheek, and then leaves the room. You're so tired and the alcohol makes you fall fast asleep. Eventually you wake up to the sound of your alarm. It's very early, and you instantly feel your head pounding. You sit up and look around. Woah, am I at Joe's apartment? You're not sure how you got here or why you're in his bed.

You get out of bed to look for Joe. You find him in the kitchen at the table, drinking coffee and reading his script. "Good morning" you say and he looks up at you. "How are you feeling, party animal?" He laughs as he takes a sip of his coffee. "I have felt better". You realize you are only wearing a t-shirt and underwear right now, and feel a little embarrassed. "Oh, I'm sorry, let me-" you start to say and Joe stops you. "It's okay." "Did anything?" You hesitate to ask. Joe gives you a confused look and says "no. I convinced you to sleep in the bed, that's all". You nod your head and then head back to get your things together. You also had a long day ahead of you and had to get ready.

You and Joe eventually head out for the day and are quiet on the ride over to work. You are feeling very tired, and you're sure Joe is feeling nervous about his first big scene. "Ready for today?" You ask and give him an encouraging smile. "Yes, I think I am. As ready as I'll ever be, really". Once he parks the car you let Joe know you'll come see him soon. He heads towards one trailer and you go to yours. You know what time Joe will start filming, so you hope you don't have anyone in the chair at that time. You look at your schedule for the day and are relieved to see that it's open at that time. You're so excited to see Joe act for the first time.

When it's time, you head out of the trailer and onto the cafeteria set. You stand out of the way and watch as the director and crew manage over 200 extras and start to film. You can see Joe is dressed as Eddie and is sitting at the table with other guys, including Gaten and Finn. You start to watch as he is holding a magazine but can't really hear what he's saying yet.

All of a sudden Joe climbs onto the table starts shouting in his American accent. "AS LONG AS YOU'RE INTO BAND...OR SCIENCE...OR PaRtIeS...OR A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS" just then, Mason says "you want something freak?!" And Joe puts his hands above his head like devil horns, sticks his tongue out, and makes a sound that makes you giggle.

OR A GAME WHERE YOU TOSS BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS" just then, Mason says "you want something freak?!" And Joe puts his hands above his head like devil horns, sticks his tongue out, and makes a sound that makes you giggle

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You are completely blown away by Joe's performance. He is completely transformed as Eddie and you find him to be absolutely captivating. You couldn't wait to find him after and tell him how amazing he was. At that moment, you couldn't help but feel yourself falling for him, completely and utterly falling for him.

Joe was sweet, kind, funny, talented, and passionate. The question was, though, was he falling for you?

Daydreaming | Joseph QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now