Chapter 19

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Joe is still holding you close but then takes his hand and gently wipes your tears off your face. "Y/n, you're scaring me love, tell me what happened." He says and you take a deep breath. "Earlier I was in my trailer and I got a visit from Chris." Joe nods his head but raises his eyebrow. "He was specifically looking for me. To tell me that you need to focus on your career." Joe is about to speak up when you continue, "just your career. And not other things, as he put it".

"What's that supposed to mean?" Joe asks with a concerned look. You sigh and say, "I'm those things, Joe. He told me that I need to break up with you. He also said we won't even be together in a year from now." You whisper, trying not to let more tears fall. "What the fuck?!" Joe says angrily and whips his phone out. You watch as he pulls Chris's name up and calls him. He's got an intense look as he holds the phone, waiting for Chris to answer. "Chris, what the fuck mate. This is the first time you've met y/n and you're coming to her trailer and telling her this bullshit? What's this about?" He says and you try to hear what Chris is saying. "Yeah, mate, I know. You have been looking out for me for years now and I appreciate it. I really do. But when it comes to y/n, stay out of it. She's not going anywhere."

You tearfully smile at him when he says this. He then looks at you and gives a sweet smile in return, but then focuses on the call again. "Why are you so worried about it? We aren't even done filming Stranger Things, Chris. I know that's your job, but right now I'm just living my life day by day. I'm not worried about a year from now. I have been incredibly focused on my work. Outside of my work, my focus is on my girlfriend." He then looks at you with those sweet, brown eyes. "I'm in love with her, Chris." You can hear Chris is saying something about that but Joe quickly interjects, "Yeah, I didn't even get to tell you that. Well, mate, she's the best thing that's happened to me. But please, do not come at her like that again. Talk to you later."Joe hangs up and takes a deep breath. He puts his hands on his face and rubs his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Joe" you say and he puts his hands down and looks at you with concern. "There's nothing you need to be sorry for," he says and brings you in for a hug. "I honestly have no idea why Chris would do this. But it won't happen again, I'll make sure of it." Joe kisses the top of your head. You hug him back tightly and are so happy that he's here to comfort you. "You do know I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe, yeah?" He whispers and you nod your head. "I love you" you reply and he kisses your lips. "I love you more." You giggle and argue about who loves each other more for a couple seconds. You then sit up and ask, "are you done for the day?" And Joe nods his head and says "I just have to go get my stuff and I'll be ready to go. Do you want to come with or are you going to stay here?"

You look at your station and it's a mess because you did not clean up since you were so upset. "I'll stay here and clean up my station so it's ready for tomorrow." Joe tells you he will be right back and when he leaves the trailer, you start cleaning up and organizing. Ten minutes later, Joe returns and asks, "Are you ready to go?" And you nod your head. You hold Joe's hand as you walk to his car and he says, "How about we stay in tonight? Just you and me. We can order dinner and watch a movie."

You smile and reply, "That sounds perfect." Once you arrive at Joe's apartment, you put your backpack on the couch. You look for your phone, but you realize you left it in his car. "Can I have your keys for a second? I left my phone in the car." Joe hands them to you and you go back out. Once you pick it up, you see a text from Keery.

Keery: Heard about Chris, don't listen to that asshole. Joe's crazy about you.

You smile because you'd love to know what Joe tells him about you.

You: Thanks, Keery. I'm crazy about him too.

You then walk back inside after locking the car and Joe's nowhere to be found. "Babe?" You say and you can hear water running  in the bathroom. You start walking in that direction and once you get to the door you step inside. Your heart bursts as you see Joe running a bubble bath for you. He even lit a candle which you thought was the cutest. "Hey", you say quietly and he looks at you and smiles. "I'm sorry you had a rough day, love. I thought you could use a little relaxation time in the bath."

You walk over to Joe and give him a big hug. "That's so sweet of you, thank you". He kisses you and replies, "I tried making the temperature to your liking. I know you like it hot". You giggle because he remembered from when you showered together. "I am going to let you relax and I'll take care of dinner. What sounds good?" He asks and you think for a second. "Hmmm, Chinese?" You say and he says, "Chinese it is!" You tell him what you would like and he gives you another kiss. "Take your time, and once you're out we will eat and then you can choose the movie."

You smile at your thoughtful boyfriend. You have never been treated this way before, and it feels amazing. Being loved by Joe was the best feeling ever. You still couldn't believe he was all yours. What you knew, though, is that you were absolutely head over heels in love with this kind, thoughtful, passionate, funny, and adorable man. Nothing would change that, not even his asshole agent.

You weren't sure what was going to happen with Chris. Would he come back? Will he be angry with Joe? You certainly hoped not. Joe does not need to be involved in any drama and would never deserve that. You try not to worry too much as you soak in the tub. You take a deep breath and smell the candle Joe lit. You smile because he is such a sweet boyfriend, as you somehow just knew he would be. You did truly believe that Joe would do anything to protect you. And that's all your heart needed in that very moment.

Daydreaming | Joseph QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now