Yo-yo effect

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The thrill of the chase. There were very few things Kaito loved more in life, a few of them running after him in a valiant attempt to catch him.

Hakuba enjoying the entertainment of their little dance in is dapper suit, Hattori and Conan in their joyful but fervent need to gain any ground in their chase. Without any idea of the uneven ground they had in comparison to the blond detective, who'd wormed his way closer and eventually into Kaito's heart by placing his own at his feet, giving him a bit of an advantage in all things, well, him.

His loyal detectives, weaving around the traps that the rest of the task force stumbled into head first as per usual, chasing him up to the roof where he could check this night's prize against the moonlight and prepare for the last act of his show, when he waited for his detectives to catch up to him and then slip through their fingers into the expanse of the endless sparkling night sky.

The loud bang when the door to the roof was thrown wide open and the three detectives raced through, a wink to rile them up, Hakuba's familiar warm chuckle carrying on the wind - the loud bang as the first bullet left the rifle of a sniper and hit the roof - the switch of the hum of excitement in the air changing to danger and alarm, adrenaline spiking higher.

Bullets raining down like a downpour. The race to the edge of the roof to keep the fire on him and not on his valued pursuers. The leap of his heart in his chest at hearing Hakuba cry out and seeing him go down when he glanced back over his shoulder.

A brief moment in time, frozen almost, where their eyes met and they exchanged a thousand thoughts without words, practiced ease after months in each other's company, in each other's arms. His resolve hardening, tearing his eyes away, hopping up on the edge of the roof, splaying out the eye catching white cape, drawing the attention and bullets to him before he jumped off without sparing the depths beneath him one glance.

Only one look back at his detectives, a spark of hope glowing in his chest at seeing them no longer under fire, crowding around their injured companion.

Free falling for a second, hearing bullets whizzing by, hitting the button for his decoy to take off, before the hang glider opened and he floated upwards, catching on the wind and gliding into the dark sky without the feeling of giddy victory and relief he'd expected to feel at this point of the heist.

Instead swerving out of view and behind a building at the first chance with a heavy heart and worry clogging up his lungs, fear holding his throat in an icy grip. Deactivating the hang glider and grappling down to Jii's car, parked the next alley over, letting himself in and shrugging off KID's costume in record time, despite barely feeling his limbs from the tingle of adrenaline.

Almost forgetting to close and lock the car behind himself with hurried movements, before speeding down the sidewalk back to the heist side as fast as his legs could carry him. Like a yo-yo, flying away from his chasers only to snap right back to them.

Hakuba swallowed more than one pained hiss at being guided downstairs, and to the ambulance he could hear arriving outside, by Hattori, Conan circling around them, keeping an eye out in obvious agitation.

KID had fled the scene just three minutes on the dot before Inspector Nakamori had busted down the door to the roof, only to immediately whip out his phone and call for medical help at assessing the situation, then rushing them downstairs.

Hakuba's thoughts could only focus on Kaito and the shock-muted pain in his leg and side though. The hail of bullets had followed his thief off the roof and only stopped once he disappeared many meters away in the distance, while Hattori and Conan had dragged him to cover.

Soon he was sat in the back of the ambulance parked out front, receiving treatment as the other two detectives lingered nearby, no doubt trying to grapple with the new case that the shooting definitely presented to them.

Hakuba couldn't stop himself from glancing up at the sky despite his better knowledge, hoping and at the same time not hoping to catch a glimpse of white. Suddenly there were hurried footsteps that no one seemed to have noticed yet, distant, someone racing towards them, and his pulse sped up with anxiety and desperate hope.

Kaito came positively flying around the corner, barely catching himself from sliding off of his feet and faceplanting on the concrete, only faltering in his mad scampering when he caught sight of Hakuba sitting very much alive and just a few steps away. The tension rushed out of his body like water out of a bathtub after the plug had been pulled and he felt like he could finally breathe again.

Conan's attention was diverted from his discussion with Hattori as he watched a blur of a person fly around the corner, screech to a halt and become identifiable as a teen with eerily similar looks to Shinichi but wilder hair.

He visibly deflated at the sight of Hakuba sitting alive and relatively well in the back of the ambulance. His hands started trembling slightly as the tension readying him to fight seeped away. Hakuba also seemed to sigh in relief at seeing the other, a smile blooming on his lips as he made eye contact with the stranger.

"Kaito.", he said, the word, name, equally filled to the brim with relief, exhaustion, and love. The other teen, Kaito, took a trembling step forward and then rushed to Hakuba's side, looking him over worriedly, before cradling the detective's head in his hands, staring at him in silence as if the blonde was going to shatter into a thousand pieces and be carried away by the breeze the second he looked away.

Conan elbowed Hattori in the thigh to bring him out of his musings, earning him a yelp, but succeeding in rerouting his friend's attention to the curios happenings nearby. Hakuba, mindful of his injuries, reached out to hug the other boy close to his chest, whispering what Conan couldn't make out over the distance but assumed to be calming words.

Kaito relaxed into the embrace and shifted his arms into a lighter hold more around shoulders and neck, serving to press Hakuba's face into his chest, burying his face in the blond locks atop of his head. A tremble passed through his back and shoulders as if he was biting back a sob and Hakuba started rubbing comforting little circles into his back as best as he could from his position.

Conan had to fight his eyebrows to keep them from climbing steadily up his forehead. Hattori was making noises that could be sorted somewhere in between flabbergasted surprise and suspicious curiosity. Apparently Hakuba had a boyfriend. One that was, interestingly enough, bleeding a bit from the back of his hand without seeming to have noticed.

He was just about to head over to the obvious couple that seemed to have forgotten the world around them, so caught up in each other, tugging Hattori along with him, when Inspector Nakamori snatched them up and away with truly horrible timing.

A glance back over his shoulder revealed a paramedic pointing out the wound on the back of the Kaito person's hand, surprising both teens, and stepping in to treat it before anyone could say another word.

Later that night his carefully neutrally formulated text message asking about the well-being of Hakuba and his significant other would be answered with simple reassurance that they were both fine.

Hattori and Conan barely remembered to take a break from brooding to sleep that night, the promising whiff of a case on the breeze was too heavy to ignore, the many hints clicking together to create a downright obtrusive and equally mind boggling theory, keeping them awake.

Meanwhile one Hakuba Saguru and Kuroba Kaito were huddled up together in the former's bed, all bandaged up and cozy, each holding the other in their arms as if they had no intentions of ever letting go.

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