Twinsies, Twinsies

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>>Legend says when twins are separated their fate splits and their lives might go similarly or completely differently- but one thing's for sure, Lady Luck can only follow one of them, cursing the other with lifelong misfortune.<<

Yukiko slammed the book shut and shoved it back into her large handbag. Her first instinct was to look for the next trash can, but seeing as she currently had her arm linked with Yusaku's that wasn't an option, he'd never allow her to throw a book away. No matter how much of a waste of paper it was.

Her husband chuckled without sparing her a glance. "I take it my colleague's writing did not gain your favor, my dear, not even when gifted." His wife huffed and didn't reply, her heels clicked on the pavement in a curt rythm as they walked back to their car, parked near the restaurant they'd had dinner with some other famous writers at.

She didn't say a word until they were back in their apartment. Yusaku didn't pry, he never did. Sometimes it made her wonder if he was giving her space or just didn't care.

Sometimes, during those nights when the ugly thoughts reared their heads and whispered all kinds of nasty things into her mind, about the lipstick marks on her husband's collar from importunate female fans taking a leap at their idol, the distraction on his face, his faraway gaze, the many phone calls he took, all the time he spent locked in his study. All the times he seemingly didn't notice her presence near him at all, lost in his brilliant mind.

Barely through the door, Yukiko threw the book onto the coffee table in their apartment and rushed into the bedroom. Yusaku's eyes followed her, but he didn't come after her.

Throwing herself down on the bed like a petulant teenager, she turned on the tv. The device activated, teen mom was the currently running program. Yukiko dropped her head into the pillows to muffle her brief scream of frustration, while her finger dug into the remote hard enough she could've broken it, as she immediately turned the tv off again.

Fighting tears, the former actress fumbled for her phone. Probably would've been easier if she wasn't lying on her front pockets, but she didn't want to get up. Apparently unable to escape her demons for the night, she faced them head on instead.

Yusaku left aside, Yukiko had one of the objects of her internal struggles on speed dial. While the call rung through, she tried to ignore the persistent calling of the little booklet hidden inside her wardrobe. Its presence was a burning sensation at the back of her mind that she couldn't shake, always aware of its location, even with her eyes closed and her face buried in the pillow. The epitome of her bad decisions calling for her.

Finally her phone call was picked up just before it went to voicemail. "What is it, mom?", the slightly annoyed voice of her shrunken son sounded tinny through the speaker.

Hearing him made breathing easier. Yukiko lifted her head out of the pillow. "Shin-chan!", she chirped with false cheer. "Mom, why are you calling me when I'm at school? You should go to sleep." "I just wanted to hear how you were doing!", Yukiko pouted to cover up her relief.

"Mom, I'm currently hiding in the school toilets to be able to speak with you, I can't just take all the time I want to give you a full report of the two months since you last called!" That explained the echo on his end of the line. "The teacher is going to get suspicious.", it sounded like he was losing his patience with her.

"Fine then just ignore your caring mother! I'll just go on missing my little Shin-chan.", she jabbed, but secretly she was happy that he had the energy to snap at her. It meant he was doing well.

There was a huff on his side of the line and a grumble that sounded suspiciously like 'you should go on to get therapy'. "What was that?" "Nothing! Now go get your beauty sleep mom, I know for a fact that it's the middle of the night over in the states." "Are you implying that my beauty is fading?!?", Yukiko gasped overly dramatic.

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