Fly on the wall

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The door slammed shut and finally, finally, there was peace and quiet. Kaito had taken his idiocy and his chaotic self home with him, and her father wasn't home from work yet. Aoko took a moment to just breathe.

She toed off her shoes and wandered further into the house, knowing on instinct that she wasn't alone. On her way to the kitchen her gaze sook out the confirmation for her feeling, the family photos on the shelf were slightly displaced, a few bits and bobs here and there had been shifted around just enough to be noticeable to a trained eye like her's. Aoko entered the kitchen with a bright smile on her face. "You're back!"

The woman leaning at the kitchen counter with a glass of juice in her hand chuckled fondly in reply. "Good to see you, my little fly.", she smirked, taking a second glass of juice off the counter and offering it to the girl, who accepted it after squeezing the woman in a brief hug.

"How have you been doing, dear? Is school okay?" "Yes, mom. Everything's good at school, Kaito's being annoying as usual, nothing more.", Aoko smiled and took a sip of her juice.

Her mother hadn't changed at all since the last time she came to visit, no disguise today. Facial features very similar to Aoko, same shade of brown hair cropped to a pixie cut, blue eyes slightly lighter than her daughter's, clad in black from head to toe. She hummed in satisfaction, knowing that keeping up with schoolwork wasn't really a struggle for her clever child.

"Anything interesting regarding your classmates?" Aoko shook her head. "Nah, the witch, the detective, and the idiot magician thief are each sticking to their own business mostly, too busy being in the spotlight of their respective adoring fans. None of them are currently posing any kind of unforeseen risk to the operation."

"And your training?" "Halved reaction time, advanced dexterity and flexibility." "Good.", her mother nodded, sipping on her juice.

"The mop-fu is coming along, yes?", she winked. "Yes.", Aoko grinned. "Kaito is giving me more than enough opportunities to practice." "Don't I believe it." Mother and daughter shared a chuckle. "That boy is lucky his charms make most people lenient with him." Aoko escaped a snort of amusement. "He'd long be dead or at least locked up behind bars otherwise.", she drawled. "Probably.", her mother smirked.

Aoko's gaze coincidentally brushed past the clock on the wall. "Oh. I've got to start making dinner, so that it's ready when dad comes home soon." She immediately started clattering about the kitchen, her mother moving out of her way to sit at the kitchen table.

For a short while silence settled between the two Nakamori women, only disturbed by the noise of Aoko skillfully whirling about with the cooking utensils, whipping up dinner.

"How's your father been doing?", Aoko's mother eventually broke the silence with a solemn voice. There was no guilt there, but certainly also not a lack of caring. It had simply been necessary that she had faked her death when Aoko was too young to remember.

While she understood that that must've sucked for her father, especially because she had kept her mother's survival and frequent visits over the years in his absence a secret, on request of her mother, it had also worked out surprisingly well to put her into the position she was profiting from now.

Who knew if Ginzo Nakamori would've decided to move to Ekoda with his toddler if he'd still had his wife around. Then she wouldn't have met Kaito and become his childhood friend, the Nakamoris wouldn't have become so closely intertwined with the Kurobas that they moved in next to them, and keeping a close eye on KID would've been a much bigger struggle than it was for Aoko to spy on him these days.

Aoko shrugged. "He's been doing alright. Always at work, thanks to Kaito's nightly antics. Potential of a heart attack or aneurysm ever increasing, the usual. At least he didn't once forget a meal this week." "Good.", her mother hummed. "I'd hate to see you stuck in the foster system as an orphan on paper." Aoko nodded absentmindedly while her hands continued their tasks on autopilot.

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