Best of both worlds

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Shinichi stared at the stars twinkling in the night sky. He'd never have imagined that he'd ever be troubled by this until the day had actually arrived.

They'd taken down the Black Organisation a month ago. Everyone he'd feared for the past year or so was either dead or jailed for the rest of their life. Amazingly enough, life had continued just as before the takedown.

Only that, slowly at first, the realisation had settled in and the fear faded away as it was replaced with the knowledge that he was truly free now. Free to knock down all the walls and covers he'd built, free to eliminate the countless lies from his life.

Because Haibara had made the cure. And she'd tested it for the past week. Today she'd told him that it worked for sure, long lasting side effects were highly unlikely. He could go back to being Shinichi. He could do it first thing tomorrow, if he wanted to.

And he wanted to, god, he wanted it more than anything. He wanted to hold Ran, ask her for forgiveness and explain everything. Well, almost everything.

But all of a sudden the tought to leave the life of Conan Edogawa behind burned under his skin in a different way. It felt like losing a part of himself again. The teenage detective in a child's body choked on a scream of frustration and pulled at his hair. First he'd lost so much when he became Conan, now it felt like he'd lose even more when he turned back.

He looked up at the full moon and sighed. It seemed unnaturally lilac tonight and if he thought about it, people had been acting weird underneath its oddly tinted light. Already there was the fact that he'd noticed and not questioned it until now. Everyone seemed so much calmer and absolutely more carefree than at every other time, ever since the moon had risen.

That was probably the only reason he wasn't completly freaking out about the fact that he was actually struggling to choose between Conan and Shinichi, already the fact that he was thinking about staying Conan would've creeped him out and made him walk up the walls any other day, if not for the mysterious mood of this night.

Ran also would've never allowed it that he'd gone for a walk to the park at this late hour... normally.
Tonight she'd just told him to enjoy himself and not stay out too long when he'd announced his intentions.

Something weird was going on. And he didn't even feel any need to investigate it, that was even weirder. But what about his problem now? Conan or Shinichi? He wished he'd have someone here that he could discuss this with. And that the person would listen, take him seriously and not declare him insane or a child with a very vivid imagination. Surprisingly enough, sometimes one got what they wished for.

Shinichi's gaze was slowly drifting about the empty park when he saw something moving through the lilac-blue night sky. A woman on a broom. That couldn't be, and yet he stayed completly calm at the sight. No need to jump up and take a closer look even though he was well aware that this couldn't be happening. Shouldn't be able to happen.

For a moment Shinichi felt as if, from all the way up there, the woman had seen him all the way down here, a little boy sitting all alone on a bench in an empty park at night.

But the broom and its owner continued on their way, or at least it looked like it, but then they flew a curve and were coming directly his way. Shinichi didn't even widen his eyes on reflex, only watched patiently as what had to be a witch on her broom came closer with mild interest. He didn't understand anything tonight. Not himself and even less the world around him. For once that was alright with him.

The witch landed in front of his bench with barely a sound and got off her broom. Apparently they were around the same age, if one ignored his shrinking and the fact that she was magical, which could've potentially influenced her appearance. He wasn't educated on the matter.

Detective Conan - Magic Kaito oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now