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So dumb, he'd been so dumb. Shinichi was crouched behind a bush at Tropical Land, having just experienced the most painful and confusing thing in his whole life up to that point in the last few hours or so. Had it been hours?

Everything was blurry. He surely had a concussion. He hadn't really listened to what the medical team had said as he had been busy being belittled by the police for his story. The yelling of the officers looking for him didn't help his struggle concentrating.

Suddenly he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Ran! He had his finger on the accept call symbol before the thought that she likely wouldn't recognize his voice and that he was about to drag her into a gigantic dangerous mess caught up to him.

"Shinichi?!? Where are you?!?" "Over there!" Flashlights swung over towards his hiding place at Ran's worried voice coming through the speakers. The shrunken detective took off running, pressing his phone to his ear like a lifeline.

He was dizzy, his head, joints and bones were aching, his lungs and heart burning, every fiber of his being was in pain and he couldn't be bothered with putting on a brave face at this point. "Ran! I need help! Please come pick me up near Tropical Land!" Maybe she couldn't see him tearing up, but she could probably hear it.

He stumbled and nearly fell, barely avoiding his pursuers as he was headed for a wall he was aiming to climb. "Shinichi? Your voice sounds weird, what-" "Ran! Please!" He didn't care that he was begging at this point, his legs felt about ready to give out. "Alright-" "Thank you! I'll call you back!", he hung up just in time to leap up onto the wall and start his parkour to freedom.

Somehow he made it out, only to be caught in a downpour. Wandering the streets, he at least had the time to come to terms with the realization that he'd been shrunk, and that he was going to have to explain that to Ran very soon when he could barely believe it himself. He must've taken too much time thinking as she called him back before he could.

"Shinichi, where are you? Are you alright?" "No.", the confession came out barely more than a whisper, as he swallowed a sob at the blatant concern in her voice.

He didn't answer any more of her questions, except for the one about his location, listening to her voice to ground himself as best as he could, allowing her to hear his harsh breathing as he recovered from all the running and trying his best not to cry like the helpless little child he had been shrunk into again, an assurance that he was at least alive.

Ran kept on talking until footsteps rounded the corner behind him and she suddenly cut herself off. Shinichi turned around, phone in hand, pointedly hanging up as they made eye contact, and, pulling together the last of his strength, gave her a fragile smile that was cracking at the edges. "Hello Ran."

His childhood friend stood and stared. And stared. The pitter-patter of the rain filled the silence. Shinichi observed her clocking his soaked clothes, oversized now but exactly the set that he'd worn all day around her, the familiar phone in his hand, his hair and lastly his face, now once more the one that she'd remember him having in the memories of their time in elementary school.

When she finally spoke up the doubt in her voice was palpable. "Shinichi?" In his books it was already a win at this point that she wasn't outright asking him who he was, completely denying the obvious hints for the supposed impossibility of his whole situation.

Shinichi sighed and nodded, before drawing in a shaky breath and starting on a long list of things only he could know about her, fully expecting to be interrupted any second to be declared a liar. Wouldn't have been the first time that night.

Instead he talked and talked, undisturbed, until he eventually ran out of stories and fell silent once again. Ran, who'd apparently started tearing up at some point, freed herself from her stupor and took a step towards him.

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