Walk with me

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Art above provided by my dear best friend

"Hey! Shinichi! Wait!" Kaito stilled. The heist was over, KID had already retired for the night after successfully getting his hands on another pricey gem that disappointed him by not being Pandora, and all things considered he really shouldn't have tried to leave the heist site as Shinichi Kudo. Well.

Thanks to a certain shrunken someone he had been out of costume options and Kudo was his easiest disguise, sometimes he couldn't resist the temptation of simplicity. Complexity had a tendency of getting tiring after some time. Now he had Ran Mori chasing after him, but after all, some things never changed, what could one do.

Kaito stayed where her shout had frozen him in his tracks and waited for the girl to catch up with him before turning around. Ran stared him in the face as if she could dissect his cover with her gaze alone. Well. If she was on it already. He winked at her.

A grin spread across the karate champion's face. "I knew it was you, KID.", she exclaimed in a triumphant stage whisper. Kaito grinned right back at her and shrugged leisurely.

When his new companion didn't seem to have any intention of using her karate moves on him, he gestured for her to walk with him, further away from the location of that night's show. Ran followed him with what would've to be considered recklessness, if he'd been any other criminal but the Kaitou KID.

Kaito hummed inquisitively as he and the other eighteen year old strolled down the sidewalk side by side, watching her out of the corner of his eye. They'd met more times than any of them could count, with Kaito in disguise and not, and while Ran rarely actively became a danger to his plans, this little walk implicated a level of trust from a high school girl towards an internationally wanted criminal and vice versa that by all means shouldn't exist.

Then again he wasn't the typical internationally wanted criminal and she wasn't the typical high schooler, so maybe this odd moment could be excused by that.

When she made no move to start a conversation or offered any explanation of why she came up to him and stayed by his side this long after confirming her suspicion that he wasn't really Kudo, he swallowed his pride and took it upon himself to ask.

Not that there was much pride left, with an existence as unpredictable and chaotic as his, forcing him to do all kinds of embarrassing things all the time. If his pre-KID sixteen year old self could've seen him, he would've died of a truly astounding combination of starstruck admiration and bone deep horrified embarrassment.

"Any particular reason why you're gracing me with your wonderful company tonight, Mylady?", the thief teased. Ran chuckled at his wording. "Always the gentleman, hm? Well, when you aren't actively groping me, isn't that right, KID?", she grinned and elbowed him in the side while he was busy spluttering at her comment.

"We talked about that!", he groaned, aforementioned gentlemanly behavior temporarily put on hold, rubbing his side. She had pointy elbows and strong arm muscles.

Ran giggled behind her hand and threw him a challenging look, daring him to say the wrong thing. Kaito sighed and dragged a hand down his face. "I've apologized three times for that now, haven't I? It was a long day and at that point I wasn't thinking clearly, so please forgive me for not coming up with anything brighter to tip you off that you were about to lose your potentially first kiss to a total stranger, alright?" More giggling.

She was clearly having the time of her life watching him squirm. Kaito briefly wondered if that was because she could make a celebrity criminal squirm or because he wore a certain detective's face while visibly squirming. At least she didn't look like she was about to separate his head from his body with a well aimed karate kick. That had to count for something.

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