Not all flesh and blood part 2

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This probably won't make sense without having read the first part, just saying.

"Let us know when you get back." Nimble little fingers tightened the bracelet of his watch around his wrist with the soft barely audible sound of servo motors, nothing anyone would be able to discern who didn't know what to listen for.

"I'm not gonna die Ai, how many more times are we gonna have this discussion? Ran and I are only going to the fun park.", Shinichi sighed exasperatedly without any real heat behind it. Her eerily expressive cyborg face stared back at him in challenge, one eyebrow rising a bit clumsily on her forehead, mimicking the respective human expression.

"Let me worry for you fragile fleshy meat bag people. Don't even consider taking this off.", she tapped the watch again that kept her and the professor informed of his physical well-being. It was a gift she'd insisted on giving him when he started his detective work. "Yes, ma'am.", Shinichi sighed and shook his head fondly.

Why were both of his childhood friends so obsessed with his health and safety? Really, if circumstances had been different Ai and Ran would've made for great friends, he was sure of it.

Their hug in parting was just on this side of too tight, so that Ai's still rather rough artificial nerve system could pick up on it. The professor had given it his best in the last decade, but some things about her body were still rather haphazard with the limited resources he had as a private inventor.

The conveying of emotion via facial expression could still use some fine tuning, her movements weren't completely silent, she wasn't sensitive enough to feel light touches yet, and he'd only had enough materials to body wise size her up to the size of a ten year old, instead of the sixteen years she had under her belt in the professor's care alone.

"Take care." "I wi-hill.", the very human and appropriately sized sixteen year old boy sing-songed horribly out of tune, and waved as he left the professor's house.

He'd been pretty much living with his neighbors since his parents moved to America, using his own house only as a place to sleep and retreat when he needed some alone time. Every other hour of the day he spend with the professor and his cyborg daughter, when he wasn't out and about with Ran, more or less inadvertently chasing mysteries and solving cases.

The door fell shut.

Ai stared at it for a moment before she turned and made her way down into the professor's basement lab. "I have a really bad feeling about today, dad.", she told him in lieu of a greeting.

Hiroshi Agasa turned away from his project to look at his child of sixteen years. "You have to trust Shinichi, dear. Most times he knows what he's doing." "Yeah... most times...", she murmured in reply, thankful to the professor that in this day and age her voice sounded human and expressive, and came up out of her throat to spill over her lips, like it did for all the flesh body possessing people.

If she didn't know how reckless Shinichi was it would be a lot easier to trust him, Ai thought. She couldn't help herself from checking the information from his watch every few hours. He seemed to be doing okay.

And then, late, late that night when he should've been on his way home at least, things went south. His vitals had spiked before, when adrenaline had flooded his system as a case came up in the fun park, they'd done their research of the sparse news that had popped up on the internet right after the incident. But now they were going haywire.

And Ai was reasonably sure if she had a human heart she'd be having a heart attack at the data on the screen. The professor and her were in the car and on their way to the location that his watch was showing in a matter of seconds, emergency kit in the trunk. Ai couldn't help pulling at the black strands of her wig during the whole ride, clutching the blue butterfly hair clip, the first gift he'd ever given her, in the other hand.

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