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Shinichi was truly and utterly focused on following the suspicious men in black from the roller coaster, absolutely certain that they were up to no good.

Ordinary, innocent people didn't have the cold eyes of murderers that he'd seen in the face of the man with the exceptionally long hair. Following such people into dark alleys was a bad idea, Shinichi knew that much, but he was a detective and his curiosity wasn't allowing him to let this go when he could potentially stop a catastrophe in the making.

Besides, his parents had trained him in crash courses of so many disciplines throughout his life that he had three times the skills of someone more than twice his age, so what could possibly go wrong?
His parents, as it turned out.
They'd always been the most exhausting and unpredictable part of his life.

He'd switched his phone's sound back on after they'd been allowed to leave the scene of the murder he'd solved earlier. And now it was ringing loud and clear in the darkness with the specific ringtone he'd set for his mother's contact as Shinichi was only just able to make out the distant sound of voices that had to be coming from just around a corner or two of the surrounding buildings, surely.

With a quickly swallowed scream of frustration Shinichi turned on his heel and ran in another direction, fumbling with his phone in his pocket to turn the damn thing off or at least decline the call to stop the noise.

By the time he'd managed to, he was somewhere deep in the wooded area at the back of Tropical Land that wasn't open to visitors and contained only simple buildings for park employees and machinery.

It was painfully clear to him that he'd never make it back to the secret meeting point of the men in black to witness what they had going on in time, if he hadn't accidentally scared them off in the first place. Cursing silently under his breath, Shinichi forced himself to let it go for now and tried picking his way back to the public part of the amusement park where he'd abandoned Ran.

Ran knew, from personal experience, that it was never wise to act impulsively and usually didn't end well. But she was so, so goddamn tired of Shinichi leaving her behind, leaving her out of the loop, leaving her on her own at times when she really could've needed him. Like on a day where they'd witnessed a guy's head getting cut off on a roller coaster.

Ran hadn't seen much, he'd made sure of that, but she'd seen enough and her imagination had filled in the blanks. The last thing she wanted was to be left alone under the dark night sky right now in an amusement park full of strangers that her adrenaline fueled brain currently feared on principle.

Ran wasn't fragile like Shinichi sometimes seemed to think she was, when he seemingly momentarily forgot her karate prowess, but she also wasn't superhuman and because of that she acted impulsively as the fear and anger and frustration with being repeatedly left behind by the people in her life finally crashed down upon her like a wave breaking after a long buildup.

Tripping over one's own feet and tearing an old shoelace couldn't stop a girl on a mission. Like a shot, Ran was off, following Shinichi into the darkness as fast as her legs would carry her, ignoring the ominous feeling of dread in her gut that was telling her to run into the very opposite direction.

She was going to catch up with him, and if it was the last thing she did. Later on she'd beat herself up for tempting fate in such a way with that simple throwaway thought.

At that moment though she was fully focused on trying to navigate her rapidly changing surroundings as she dashed down the dark alley Shinichi had previously taken, only to soon find herself surrounded by bushes and trees, throwing looming shadows onto the grass whenever the moon managed to peek through the gathering clouds, and grey concrete buildings, simplistic and colorless in a rattlingly stark contrast to the bright and colorful rest of the amusement park she still had to be in.

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