Descend of the Angel

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She studied the girl. Small, around six to seven years old. Pale skin, pale curly short hair, light blond, slightly darker at the root, a few pale freckles dusted on her cheeks. Blue eyes, the only thing familiar about the girl. She lifted her hand and touched it to the surface of the mirror. Blue eyes. The only thing that seemed to have stayed the same on herself.


Vermouth wasn't surprised. She knew this day would come eventually and she had prepared herself well.

"There I'll leave it to you. You can choose how she dies." He laughed a dirty laugh and shoved the dazed girl towards her. And wasn't it just typical of her, of humans in general to be backstabbing, killing their angels after they'd saved them in the past?
She didn't even catch the girl when it stumbled towards her. She just drew a little metal box out of her pocket, slipped a little pill out of it and made the box disappear again, stuffed the pill in the girl's mouth and placed her hand on top of it to force her to swallow it in one fluid motion. The teenager did just that, being left no choice, and proceeded swaying on her feet, losing her balance and falling face first and full length on the cold floor of the abandoned warehouse. "You might want to leave, the poison causes a slightly unpleasant smell..." "Pah", her 'partner in crime' ignored her advice. Vermouth only commented with a nonchalant shrug and assumed a relaxed stance next to her assigned companion. They watched, unmoved, how the girl started struggling, somewhere between consciousness and unconscious bliss, how her skin became shiny with sweat, how her body twitched and trembled, trying to defeat the poison in its system. The smell became impossible to ignore as her skin started smoking slightly. A fine rivulet of blood ran out of their victims' mouth, the smell of burned flesh got stronger as the seconds ticked by. "Ugh...", her companion pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and covered his nose and mouth. "You were right, this is unbearable. Are you sure that the smell will be gone when they find her?" "It's an untraceable poison isn't it?", Vermouth answered coyly raising a challenging eyebrow. Her partner only growled to acknowledge her words before he made a disgusted gagging sound. "I'll be waiting outside. Make sure she's really dead before you come out.", he growled and stalked outside. Just in time. Vermouth new better than to openly display her relief. The girl's proportions were starting to change, blood ran out of her mouth, nose, eyes and ears, as well as out of a few cracks in her skin that the transformation was causing. She'd have to act now. With a quick motion she gathered all of the girl's long hair in one hand and slashed her blade through it with the other. She was left with a handful of long dark hair as the girl finally shrunk to the size of a grade-schooler. Tugging her beloved knife away, she put the hair on the ground and lit the cut off ends with a lighter, stomping out the flames when they'd eaten away enough of the hair to make her prepared lie sound believable. Then she carefully gathered the freshly shrunken female into her arms and carried her unconscious victim out of the back door, unnoticed by her companion at the front. She peered around before she sprinted to the car parked nearby as she'd planned. Almost soundlessly she opened the trunk and gently placed the fake child, seemingly drowning in it's now way too large clothes, inside. She then proceeded to tip toe to the driver's window and gave it a soft knock. The non-see-through glass lowered and revealed the elderly African American woman behind the wheel. "She's stable and hidden away in the trunk. Do you have what I need?" "How 'bout »good evenin' Saldana«!? Nah, forget it.", she cut Vermouth off before she was able to remind her how serious sabotaging the current mission was. "Everything ya' need is in tha backseat. Have fun an' make it a nice firework so lil' old me can see it in the rear mirror, okay ice queen?" Vermouth only gave a resigned huff and took her tools out of the car. She'd long given up trying to get the snappy old woman to stop giving her nicknames. Marching up to the driver's seat again, duffel bag now by her side and secure in her grip, she pulled out her knife and dropped it onto her secret driver's lap. "There. I'll trust you with that. Don't lose it." "Oh good lord, the high lady allows me to watch her stuff, her favourite blade to top it off, I'm so honoured your highness!" "Sarcasm doesn't make you younger. Get the girl out of here, she won't stay unconscious forever. And if she gets blown into bits because you couldn't move it in time all of my carefully crafted plans were wasted time and efforts. And no, before you comment on it, your death wouldn't count as a loss." If looks could kill Vermouth would've been long gone. The way the world would prefer her. As it was, all that Saldana could do was give her the death glare and roll the window up, mumbling rude nicknames, curses, complaints and a lot more of foul language under her breath before she started the car and drove off. She watched the whiteblonde woman looking after the car through the rear mirror as she got smaller in the distance with a genuinely worried gaze.

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