The early KID catches the Conan

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It was just meant to be reconnaissance. And a bit of practice, and a bit of fun.

Tropical Land looked beautiful from above and seeing how low he could fly without being seen was a rush of adrenaline he wanted and welcomed.

That he caught sight of a few figures in a side alley, just in the moment that one of them knocked another to the ground, was pure coincidence. Following his gut feeling, he steered his glider to the right to circle above the scene, watching as the attacker knelt next to his victim, then booked it together with his companion. They'd been wearing black. Like Snake and his men.

Torn between following the men in black and checking on their victim, he hesitated. The person left behind on the ground stayed down, unmoving. With a sigh, cursing his curiosity and soft heart, Kaito made to land in the trees nearby.

When he emerged from the patch of trees the perpetrators were nowhere in sight anymore. Kaito snuck up to the limp figure, checking for a pulse. Still alive. It turned out to be a teenage boy, face down in the grass, dazed to the point of unresponsiveness when Kaito turned his head.

There was no reaction whatsoever to his touch. He'd seen the guy receive a blow to the back of the head, the blood was all over one side of his face, hopefully there was no brain damage. He ignored that he and the victim looked eerily similar for the moment, that was something to freak out about later. Right then the other teen needed his help. And most likely medical attention.

At least his attacker didn't seem to have cut his throat or something when he'd bend down over him. Kaito moved to apply pressure to the head wound, worried that his doppelgänger was going to lose too much blood, when suddenly his body tensed up, he seemed to gain back a bit of his awareness, making a pained sound as he clutched at his chest, right above his heart.

Kaito had flinched back on instinct at the sudden movement, staring wide eyed and holding his breath. The boy shook and trembled, his breathing hitched and halted, pained noises tumbling from his lips as his muscles cramped. Poison, Kaito thought with alarm.

A bloodcurdling scream of agony, that struck him at his core, tore out of the other teen, then he went limp and suddenly smoke started to emerge from his body. That was not a normal side effect of poisoning, he was pretty sure.

The magician backed away in shock, watching in horror as whatever bio weapon the guy had been administered ran its course. He wanted to help, but he didn't know how, he was no medical personnel and was absolutely unfamiliar with whatever was happening in front of him. The awful sense of helplessness that filled his rib cage reminded him painfully of the death of his father.

His sight must've blurred, or he'd covered his eyes, or maybe he'd disassociated in an attempt to ignore the writhing, smoking body in front of him and the stench of burned flesh in the air.

By the time Kaito blinked himself back to reality the smoke had disappeared and the other teen had stopped moving. Except he wasn't a teen anymore. Kaito scooted over to get a closer look, but his eyes didn't seem to be betraying him.

There was a lot of clothes and a lot less boy to be found next to him. Once more, he checked for a pulse. Still alive. Huh, just a lot smaller now apparently. Elementary school sized, maybe. This was... odd, to say the least. But he couldn't leave the poor... heh, kid now, by himself.

Taking him home probably wasn't a good idea, but right now Kaito had a feeling it was safest for the shrunken teen to disappear from the face of the earth. And Kaito also had the means to provide that, and the soft heart that compelled him to follow through with the haphazard plan.

He stripped his black reconnaissance hang glider of its fabric and stuffed the metal bars into his emergency backpack. The mini teen started stirring and showing signs of waking up all of a sudden.

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