Mystery texts

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Kaito I put your homework in your mailbox
Don't forget to eat and sleep
Take care of yourself please

Tell me when you're ready to see people again
I'll make your favorite food then
Please just reply once so I know you're okay

I'll come over to check on you if you don't reply
Just a simple 'here' is enough


Thank you


Hey dad
The anniversary of your death never gets any easier
So many years and this day always hurts the same
Maybe sitting in an empty house  where everything reminds me of you isn't helping with that
But going outside where everyone is so unbothered, going on with their lives as usual, it just
It feels wrong
Don't worry though
Aoko's watching me like a hawk
I'll be okay

I miss you

Hey dad
I covered the classroom in glitter today for a classmate's birthday
You should've seen the teacher's face
She almost threatened to call... you, you know, before she remembered
Funny that I'm one of those people who'd actually wish their teacher would call their parents
Could call their parents

Hey dad
I've been sounding a bit sad lately
Don't worry about me though
I'm doing alright
Aoko is making sure I don't get too much time alone with my thoughts
Just like she did in middle school
That girl is the single reason I'm still here
Never even left me the time to really consider doing anything to myself
She has no idea how much I love her
Wouldn't believe me anyway
There she is, knocking down my door again
Gotta go, talk to you again soon

You wouldn't believe it
I blew up the science lab at school
The teacher almost exploded all by herself at the sight when she came back into the room
And it wasn't even on purpose
Just sleep deprivation
Whole class is laughing their asses off like absolutely mad
We're all slightly high rn
It's incredible
Maybe the fumes are making me think that
I don't care

Argh shit
Effect wore off
Everyone's got headaches now
And I need to stay and clean up the classroom
Not the science lab of course
Too dangerous

Finally made it home
So done
My head is killing me
Going to sleep
Good night dad

Hey dad
Hope you send me your support for tonight
I'll do my best

Sometimes I really cannot comprehend how you love her
Not like I don't but
How she always manages to say just what I need to hear to be down again after briefly surfacing
Always immediately puts her finger in the wound that was just bandaged
Sometimes literally actually
Unique skills of a mother or something?
Also kinda hard not to feel abandoned every time she hangs up on me from somewhere on the other half of the globe
Like she's just there to remind me that I need to keep going and that she's not going to be helping
It sounds pathetic but it hurts
Makes me feel eight years old  again, staring at your urn
That woman
I'm going to take the motorbike out for a ride I don't want to keep thinking about this

Hey dad
Did you ever feel guilty doing this
Because I do
I started in the first place to stop people from getting hurt like we were
And yet
All I seem to do is hurt people the longer I keep it up
Aoko's dad now needs pills for his blood pressure
She's fuming mad, rightfully so
And it's my fault
She blames me for not coming over enough anymore to see them
And yeah she's right but
Can she not just say they miss me?
I'm already doing the blaming myself
Don't need help with that
Have enough material
Aoko and Hakuba are great at strengthening the guilt
Don't get me started on Hakuba

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