Dress up games

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Wholesomeness and chaos battled for control here and it's unclear who won.

Really, the whole thing started purely on accident. Or, if someone was really searching for someone or something to put the blame on, Kaito's situational forgetfulness was at fault.

If asked about the topic Hakuba would probably start preaching, just a bit maliciously joyful, that that was the reason sleeping shouldn't be avoided for multiple nights in a row. Well. Kaito had not followed that advice and thus they now had a new hobby. And a fairly amusing story to tell at parties of how Kaito almost became a killer...

It all started one evening when Kaito was just doing a makeup test for a new disguise of his, even though KID heists weren't as frequent and necessarily requiring one or multiple civilian disguises anymore nowadays. But his ability to disguise himself had to be practiced nonetheless, he couldn't risk getting rusty. Just in case of an emergency.

Being an internationally wanted criminal and also high up on the hit list of a fairly terrifying criminal organization left you with some paranoia issues. It was just when he was done with his face and hair that he heard- a key turning in the front door lock.

Purely on reflex his body tensed up and he reached over to a pair of scissors that he'd used to trim his wig. KID might be religiously sticking to his no-one-gets-hurt-rule, but this wasn't KID at one of his heists, this was Kaito in his home.

He froze with his arm raised and prepared to propel his makeshift weapon, listening to the door opening, closing, the key jingling slightly as it was probably being tucked away, a brief moment of silence, then footsteps coming to the living room where he'd temporarily set up shop.

The moment a shadow appeared in the doorway he pulled his arm back to strike, then in a flash recognized the intruder as he came into sight and tried to abort the throwing motion midway through.

With a dull vibrating noise the pointed end of the scissors found purchase in the doorframe, mere centimeters from the would-be victim's shoulder, or worse, throat. Said would-be victim glanced at the scissors in open alarm, swallowed, and turned an incredulous gaze at Kaito, who sat on the living room floor frozen, eyes wide and hands in front of his mouth in a gesture of shock.

"Kaito!" The slightly accusatory exclamation that followed a moment of silence finally broke the thief's sudden stupor. "Saguru, I am so sorry!", in a matter of seconds the accidental assailant appeared next to the blonde, checking him over for injuries, even though it was obvious that he hadn't been hit.

"Kaito..." Taking the beginnings of protest as a good sign for the other's health, he eventually turned to yank the scissors out from where they were lodged in the doorframe, inspecting the damage to the wood with a look of frustration. "Will have to patch that up...", he muttered under his breath as he turned around to return his tool to the coffee table.

"Kaito...", Hakuba tried to get back the other's attention. "Sorry. Sorry...", turning back around to face him, the phantom thief fiddled with the edge of his wig for a moment, avoiding eye contact as he berated himself for forgetting that he'd handed out his second key. "Didn't know you were coming."

"What, you didn't know I was coming? We wanted to go out for dinner tonight, remember? And what's with the getup? Also, maybe you should take the key back if you're going to attempt to murder me every time I let myself in..."

"No, no, keep the key, I promise it won't happen again. Just unused to the fact that for the first time in over a decade someone else has unlimited access to the house...", Kaito rambled, then stopped, blinked, and made eye contact. "Wait, we were going to go out for dinner?" Hakuba let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.

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