Catch me if you can

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The rain prattled loudly against the large window panes of the break room. Megumi stared disappointedly down at her empty coffee mug, before her gaze drifted upwards to watch the rain fall outside and glare at her own reflection in the glass.

The dark bags under her eyes seemed to be actively fighting the concealer she'd put on in an attempt to cover them up, her hair was a mess, she was pale as a ghost. Megumi turned her head as the door opened behind her, a coworker from the children's ward, Natsumi, entering.

"Hard shift?" Megumi groaned and buried her head in her hands. "If you would've asked me ten years ago where I was seeing myself in the future, I would've said everything but working in an asylum. And any day I have to handle patient 1412 I'm reminded why."

Natsumi chuckled. "You know, whenever I hear of him I'm always torn between thinking that a barely legal adult can't possibly be as bad as everyone here makes him seem, and just being very happy he isn't my patient based on all the stories you guys tell."

"You better believe it and stay happy that you don't have to find out yourself.", Megumi rubbed at her face a bit before looking up at the other woman again, oblivious to smearing her concealer. "Kuroba is such a piece of work I'm convinced he'll stay here for the rest of his life."

"Sad, if you ask me.", Natsumi set about making a new pot of coffee. Megumi watched her intently. "He was just sixteen when he came here, wasn't he?" "Hmhm, total nutcase at sixteen. And no progress in two years." "Like I said, sad. I've got a similar case down in the children's ward.", Natsumi sighed.

"There are cases like Kuroba in the children's ward?!?", Megumi exclaimed in shock. Natsumi quickly waved her hand in denial. "No, no, I mean cases with no progress whatsoever in a two year stay." Her colleague sighed in obvious relief. "And here I thought they were already messing them up that bad that young."

"Oh, believe me, they are. Especially with that one.", Natsumi scowled at the coffee pot she'd just finished filling, bringing it over to the table Megumi was sitting at, setting it down gingerly before taking her own seat.

"I can tell you're intrigued, how about we trade stories. I tell you some stuff about my little patient and you regale me with more tales about Kuroba's insanity, deal?", she inquired, filling both her own and the other woman's coffee cup.

Megumi inclined her head in silent gratitude and chuckled tiredly. "As if the staff in here gossiping about patients is such a new thing that we need to make a big deal out of it, literally. Of course we can chat if you're on break."

Natsumi shrugged and sipped at her coffee with a smile. "You never know who you might end up blabbing to, I've heard that especially in the juvenile ward there are some staff members with sticks up their butts so high they're constantly tasting leaves."

A loud bark of laughter escaped the older woman, having her wonder why she'd never spent her breaks with the younger woman from the children's ward before. She was an absolute hoot. "Alright, I see your point. Let's steer clear of the most senior staff members up here and we'll be fine.", Megumi agreed.

"So, who goes first?", Natsumi smirked, dunking a cookie into her coffee, while Megumi had no idea where she'd pulled the biscuit from in the first place. They weren't in stock in the staff room.

She decided not to question it when her companion pushed another one across the table for her with a conspiratorial smirk. Somehow she still made the expression look cute. Taking a bite and following it with a sip of coffee, Megumi shrugged.

"I can start, sure. There's not that much to 1412's story. His acquaintances noticed him acting weird and eventually he was caught in odd places all around town at all times of the night, in varyingly acceptable get ups. Got himself injured a couple times, they found potentially dangerous items in his possession and just like that he was getting psychologically evaluated. Turned out to be all kinds of crazy and it landed him here, soon after."

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