Not all flesh and blood

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The sun shone brightly on a seemingly normal summer day in Beika as a child, about five years old, a football under his arm, ran down the street in excitement.

"Professor!", the little boy called, ringing the doorbell on the man's front door. A few moments passed in which the boy was impatiently tapping his foot on the spot with childish energy.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal a bald, completely naked little child. "Gah!", Shinichi jumped back with a yelp, dropping his football. The child just continued looking at the slightly smaller boy with big, unsettlingly colourless eyes, hand still on the door handle. Shinichi stared back in curious uncertainty.

It had no nipples and no genitalia it seemed; its pale body was completely smooth where they should've been. Its features appeared to be very artistically sculpted though. A moment of silence stretched between them.

"Who are you?", he asked, tilting his head to the side. Without a muscle in its face moving it answered: „Hello." Shinichi jumped at the robotic sounding voice coming out of nowhere, the child's lips hadn't moved.

The child tilted its head to the side, copying his previous motion perfectly. "I am- very sorry, should I have- scared you. The Professor- has not given me- the ability to- talk like a human yet- so I have to use- a speaker system.", the computer voice stuttered. "As for- your question- I do not have- a name- yet." Shinichi stared wide-eyed.

"You're a robot!", he exclaimed, creeped out, taking a few steps back, ready to bolt. He'd secretly read and watched some stories about robots and they always ended badly for the humans involved. "No- I am- a girl-", it said, reacting to Shinichi backing away by finally letting go of the door to follow him.

Shinichi yelped, snatched his ball off the ground and started running home without looking back. Only when he closed the door of his room behind himself was he able to breath properly again. The football lay on the ground forgotten as he crawled onto his bed and hid under the covers.

He didn't want to, it was a childish act and he was just as grown up as the adults, but that had been a real robot at the Professor's house and he was home alone, his parents were out meeting one of his mother's friends. There was no one to protect him if it followed him... Shaking, the child buried himself deeper into the blanket despite the warmth of the summer weather.

Shinichi woke up sweaty and confused. Why was he sleeping in the middle of the afternoon? And what kind of nightmare had that just been?! He got up and went downstairs, he was right, his parents were still not home. And only about an hour had gone by since they'd left.

And he'd been supposed to go to the Professor's house, hadn't he? He must've fallen asleep and dreamt that he'd actually gone and met a robot there. The boy shook his head, robots weren't something someone could easily build in their living room in reality, not even small inventors like Professor Agasa. People only did that in the scary stories where the robots then killed them.

Nodding to himself, Shinichi decided that he should head over now before the Professor noted that he didn't arrive when he was supposed to. His parents wouldn't allow him to babysit Shinichi again if he lost him and a crazy Professor was the most interesting babysitter a super intelligent five-year-old could have, so he didn't want that.

The small boy couldn't suppress a shiver when he rang the doorbell on the Professor's door again, the nightmare was still fresh on his mind. For a minute Shinichi was left waiting, then a click sounded.

The door swung open and Shinichi screamed. It was the robot! It was real! "Pl-please- do not!", it stuttered out before the Professor appeared behind it. "Shinichi!", he exclaimed, motioning for the boy to quiet down. Trembling, the boy closed his mouth with a snap.

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