A rally, a microwave, and a theft

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My first attempt at writing for a prompt my friend gave me. Only took me three years...

It was one of those days, she knew it the moment she came back to consciousness. She could hear Kudo blabbing to the professor about a forest and a mystery rally, and Hattori, and then he was too exited for her to discern the rapid fire words with her brain in as sleep addled a state as it was in.

Now if she just kept her eyes closed and pretended she was neither awake, nor hearing anything, they'd go away and let her sleep in peace, right? Right? Of course not. Kudo wasn't suicidal enough to actively try waking her, but he wasn't shutting up either. Oh, how she sometimes wished that her APTX4869 was a hundred percent fatal.

Since playing dead wasn't getting her anywhere, Ai Haibara pried her eyes open against the blinding morning light flooding into the professor's house unhindered to send a death glare at the shrunken detective. Which went skillfully ignored.

Neither of the other two people in the room paid her any attention, the professor too busy tinkering with something in the kitchen area and Kudo too busy talking his ears off in the meantime. Fine. She peeled herself out of her bed with the utmost effort and trotted over to the sink to splash cold water onto her face, before she wandered over to her closet.

Which promptly collapsed in on itself as she attempted to put together her outfit for the day. "Professor!", she did not whine. It was one of those days indeed. Kudo was giggling at her predicament, she could hear it muffled behind his hands without having to turn around.

"I'll put that back together in a minute Ai, promise.", Professor Agasa called over from where he was submerged in his newest tinkering project. Kudo started moving his jaws again. Fine. Ai could deal. She dragged a clothes basket over for herself and started pulling her wardrobe contents out of the wreckage.

Afterwards she absentmindedly set the basket down next to the professor, mind already set on the next task, finding some painkillers, she had a feeling she'd eventually be treating a headache today, it was only a matter of time.

As she climbed back up the stairs from the basement lab, her mission accomplished, there was an explosion. Because of course there was. It was one of those days. "Fire! Professor, there's a fire!", Kudo yelled and Ai halted on the stairs to take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of her nose. Of course something caught on fire.

She heard the fire extinguisher come to use and then a concerned noise of the Professor. One that Kudo followed up with "uh oh". Uh oh. Nooo, what part of her stuff had they broken now?! Ai positively flew up the stairs and burst through the door ready to unleash unhindered fury upon them.

The sight still froze her in her steps. The microwave. They had exploded the bloody microwave. (She didn't care how much fault Kudo actually carried in this case, if she was gonna be angry she was gonna be angry at everyone present. Since it was Kudo, the reckless idiot, she wouldn't even feel bad about it later.)

The explosion had set her clothes on fire. They had burned the entire contents of her closet by the state of the laundry basket she'd stuffed them in. Ai could feel a vein tick on her forehead as she glowered at the scene. "Professor...", it came out a proper growl.

As if on cue, lightning struck in the distance outside and thunder growled as rain started pouring down from the skies. Apparently a thunderstorm had started brewing while she'd been downstairs. What a perfectly fitting backdrop for her anger.

She could see both the professor and Kudo gulp. "I'm going to buy you new clothes, Ai, right when the rain stops.", the inventor tried to placate her. Ai's eyebrow twitched. The two looked pitiful enough, but... nah. She wasn't letting them off the hook that easily. "You bet you will. In Harajuku! I need an entire new wardrobe!"

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