ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

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" I think I like Ganyu..."

" W-what?.."

' Ughh- I should stop thinking about that, don't wanna ruin my mood '
you groaned mentally.

You arrived in your classroom and see students chatting with each other since the teacher hasn't arrived yet.

Walking to your seat, which was the one near the window. You sit down and wait for the bell to ring, all you can hear is the chatter among your classmates who's talking about whatever topic which you don't wanna eavesdrop on, you look through the window hoping the bell would ring soon but then-

"Autumn is coming soon, correct?"

A familiar voice asked directed at you, you look at the person who was seated at your right side. They had platinum blonde hair with a single red-streak and red eyes staring at your own (e/c) ones.

"Ah Kazu good morning, sorry I didn't notice you we're here already and yes I believe it is."

Kaedehara Kazuha, you met him at elementary school sitting under that one maple tree and became friends with him.

"Mm" he hummed as he looked forward where the teacher arrived. "You looked deep in thought, something bothering you?" He asked with curiousity.

"Oh..Nothing really just wanting the bell to ring soon and get done with this hell of a class" you said as you also looked forward where the teacher is now standing and the students we're returning to their respective seats.

You heard a light chuckle from the said boy which immediately lightened up your mood.

"Alright then" Kazuha said and sure enough the bell rang as the students chatter quieted down and the only sound that could be heard was from the teacher talking and the occasional chirping of the birds outside.


"And that's about it, alright class I'll be seeing you all tomorrow I hope everyone learned something new today" the teacher said while everyone started to pack their things and go out of the classroom.

' Finally, man I sure am exhausted ' you thought to yourself as you pack your things up and stand up to see Kazuha with his things already and waiting for you.

"Where did they say we'll have lunch?" You asked infront of him.
"I'm not sure...Maybe ask them?" He suggested as you pull out your phone and go into your friend's group chat.

Big Idiots✨

Where are we eating lunch??

Better Twin💕(Lumine)
In the cafeteria

Alright we'll be there

Definitely not an Idiot(Ganyu)

I'm with Kazuha rn

Starbucks Size(Venti)
Kazuha eyy??😏
Where's your emo short prince at??


Starbucks Size
Ah- pls spare me 🛐🛐
I was kidding ofcourse...

I'll bury y'all alive(Hu Tao)
Y/nnnn hurryy
it's boring here without you :((

Okay okay
who's already there btw?

Better Twin💕
Me, Aether, Venti, Hu Tao,
and Ganyu

Oooo we'll be there soon!!
Also is Xiao there yet?

Starbucks Size
Looking for Xiao huh?
missing him already even
tho u haven't seen him
for only an hour 😏😏

venti if you can kindly
shut up 🥰

Starbucks Size
I would kindly not 🥰

I would not hesitate
to decapitate your braids
out of your head when
I see you :DD

I'll bury y'all alive

Sheesh alr alr
we'll be there
Liked by I'll bury y'all alive

"They said we'll all have lunch at the cafeteria" you said and put down your phone.

"Alright let's go shall we?" Kazuha asked and you nodded at his words while you both head out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria.

"By the way, who's already there?" He asked while looking at you.

"Uhhh..The twins, Venti, Hu Tao and Ganyu" you say and he just hummed at your words.


Yuss new chapter published :DD!!
Also tyysm for 45 reads!!I really appreciate it <33


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