ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19

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"..Do you like someone?"

"Yeah I do." you answered casually making Xiao surprised. He was expecting you to deny any claims of liking someone and say it's one of those fictional characters he never bothered to remember the names, yes 'names' since you had mentioned a bunch before to him.

"Your serious?" he asked you. "Not some fictional character?"

"Yep." you replied back popping out the 'p'. You knew what you we're doing saying that you indeed liked someone but you'll never tell him that it's him though, you we're sure he'll reject you right there and then if that happened.

While you we're looking at the horizon and the people that was passing by the park Xiao immediately looked at you after you said that. Half of him was hoping and the half was disheartened.

At the corner of your eyes you see him hesitating on speaking, opening his mouth then a few seconds later he shuts it close.

"You curious to who it is?" you asked him after realizing what he was meaning to ask making eye contact with him. Was he that easy to read sometimes? He questioned himself in his head, he slowly nodded. Truth be told he desperately wanted to know who it is, if it wasn't him he wanted to see and observe if he has any chance over that guy or girl that you like. In other words, he would compare himself and that person to see why had you not fallen for him instead, did he have that much flaws more than that person? Was he too rude to you sometimes when the person you like wasn't rude to you?

He shaked off his thoughts to focus back on what was happening. He saw you faked cough and look the other way and break eye contact.

"It's no one important.." you replied.

"No one important?" furrowing his eyebrows, he expected an actual name possibly someone he knows or have seen.

"Yeah, he's no one important." you said, cursing and apologizing to Xiao in your head. Why didn't you just say you don't like anyone and go on with your day, was it because you felt Xiao was dead serious about this with the way he asked you, maybe.

"How come?" He asked after you stayed silent still looking at the back of your head.

"Why are you asking anyway?" you turned to look back at him after calming yourself down once again, seeing his amber eyes already fixated on you.

"Because I..." he paused, he couldn't outright say that when he doesn't even know who you like.

"Because you?.." seeing him pause, you let him continue his sentence by repeating it.

"You've helped me with.. Ganyu these past weeks so I wanted to try and... help you with yours.." he said and changed what he was going to say but had mid pauses as he slowly looked at the grass below, he regretted lying to you that day now he'll regret helping you with whoever that person you like. He regretted every single decision he made up until now, lying about liking Ganyu and possibly break her heart if she does like him, and possibly helping you with the person you like. Gods was it his fault that he kept making the wrong decisions? Yes it was and he knew this but he'll have to deal with it.


A moment of silence engulfed you both. You forgot he liked Ganyu and was expecting him to say something else than that.

"You don't have to help with anything it'll just go to waste." you spoke a few minutes later.

"Go to waste? How?" he asked, he was confused why would his help go to waste unless..

"He already likes someone." he was right, he looked back at you seeing you with a sad expression, a big evident frown on your face.

"Oh, but you can try winning his heart?" he suggested, it wasn't too bad of an idea but he didn't know that the person you like likes someone with much higher talent overall compared to you

ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ( xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ) × ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ ×Where stories live. Discover now