ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12

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After seeing an all too familiar dorm you stopped right infront of your dorm with Albedo stopping next to you.

"Alright we're here." you say walking forward a little, you turn your whole body to properly face him.

"Thank you for walking me back, Albedo." you thanked him with a smile, grateful he even offered to walk you back to your dorm when his dorm is a few miles away from your own.

"Of course." He said nodding as a small smile formed on his lips. Now that he'd accompany you back and made sure nothing would happen to you he could go back to his own dorm and proceed to continue his homework and projects that he was working on earlier when he had run out of paper and ran to the store as quickly as possible to go back and finish them but had seen you standing near the store all alone. Yes, he didn't run out of his art materials for painting but rather just paper and was planning to head back as quick as possible but he didn't just to simply walk you back.

"Goodbye then Y/n." he nodded his head at you once more to signify that he was going, turning his back on you as he walked a little further away from your figure at the front of your door.

You waved your hand as a goodbye to him, smiling even though he wouldn't see it as he was facing forward but you hoped he would've just sensed it or knew you we're waving at him.

As you watched him walk away you internally thought to buy him some sweets and pastries when you meet or see him tomorrow, but it was interrupted when you suddenly see him stop abruptly with his back still facing you.

Questioning his sudden stop you parted your lips to ask him but got stopped when he started speaking,

"Uhm, right I almost forgot.." he mumbled to himself but you could hear his words clearly since he wasn't that far ahead anyway.

He then turned to you walking towards your figure once more, stopping on his tracks when he's right infront of you again with his attention to you.

"Forgot what?.." you ask him, tilting your head and raising your eyebrow. You then heard him mumble to himself again but couldn't properly comprehend what he said this time which made you curious on what he could've forgotten seeing as he was now looking at the ground mumbling.

After a few seconds of hearing him mumble he then directed his teal colored pupils towards you seeing your eyes looking at him already with curiousity. Realizing that he made you stand there waiting for his answer while he was mumbling things to himself, he quickly cleared his throat and,

"Would you like to go to the Windblume Festival with me?" surprising you with his sudden request as he said that with a straightforward face and a monotone voice.

"Windblume?" you question him making sure you heard it right. You have attended both the Lantern Rite Festival and Irodori Festival with the others but never went to the Windblume Festival for some personal reasons..

"Yes, the festival that's going to take place in Mondstadt a few weeks from now." replying to your question and also informing you when it was happening so that you could think about it and to answer him wether you'll go or not.

"Ohh, right a few weeks from now." you nod as you put your hand on your chin in a thinking position while you looked at the floor making up a decision if your coming or not.

"With you?.." not moving from your position you questionably looked at him with only your eyes as he blinked slowly.

It stayed quiet for a while just both of you looking at each other when his eyes suddenly widened and brought his right hand to his mouth and coughed to himself as he looked at the side,

"Uh-,I mean with Klee of course." he said after he stopped coughing violently as he registered what he just suggested to you earlier not realizing his own sentences.

You then happily smiled at him straightening your figure,

"Yeah sure, I have nothing planned anyway." you say to him as he retracted his hands back to his side looking back to your e/c eyes.

It seemed as though outside you we're confident that you had nothing happening the next few weeks and is free to go to Mondstadt for this festival going on but inside you we're freaking out, sure it's one of the most beautiful and exciting festivals in the whole of Teyvat but it's also held on Mondstadt. You had nothing against the city itself but the memories you had back in the city weren't pleasant at all, it was a hellhole for you infact. The city itself was the City of Freedom but you didn't feel as free inside that nation at all, how ironic.
The reason for you hesitating going to Mondstadt again? That's for another time as there we're more important things to focus on instead of dwelling on the past.

But the hesitance slowly disappeared when you saw him smiling at you softly after hearing your acceptance to his request to go with him- and his little sister, Klee. You can see that under the moonlit night how his teal-eyed pupils adorning his half braided ashy blond hair. He truly looks pretty at night especially with a soft smile engraved to his face.

Smiling back at him he then started to speak again,

"Okay then, I'll inform you through chat when we'll be going there." still smiling, he bowed a little and got his head back up turning to leave and go back to his dorm.

"Right! Better inform me a few days before we go!" you shouted to him waving back as he was going farther away from you, hearing him chuckle while he waved back with his hand.

"Ofcourse!" he shouted back as his figure disappeared out of sight, lowering the hand you we're waving at him earlier you sighed once again but instead of a frown it was a small smile.

'Albedo's gonna be there, there's no need to be afraid.'

You mentally thought, going back to Mondstadt and seeing the places you used to see in the past would be uncomfortable as most places in the city had created bad memories but surely it wouldn't be that bad when he's there to make you forget them right?

"Avoiding the past is like avoiding the future, the past is what defines us leading us to the future. If you keep ignoring what has already happened you'll never get anywhere in life!" a loud slap could be heard as well as a girl sniffing and wiping her tears away.
Instantly being alarmed, with widened eyes you turned your head left and right but seeing as they we're no one around you then looked at the bag with the Mora Meat you ordered gripping it tightly as you recalled a bad memory.

Deciding to forget about it you turned around lifting your hand up to open the door but stopped, looking at it and noticed your hand was trembling a tid bit which you furrowed your brows at. Frowning at this you glared at your hand upset with yourself, you then got tired of it and heaved a sigh shakingly.

Finally opening the door, you went inside and closed the door behind you taking off your shoes composing yourself as you then said,

"I'm back Ningguang, along with your Mora Meat."



Uh yes more albedo, just to keep in mind that y/n still likes Xiao 👁️👁️

The sentence with italics about the past making up the future and stuff is a memory and possibly something that happened to our dear y/n, that's all I'm going to say about it.

I just noticed that I accidentally typed out the title of the book of the rewriting Albedo Fanfic I wrote 🧍‍♀️💦💦


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