ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 27

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A lone empty plate was set on a table, the room dead quiet only shuffling of sounds we're heard and a certain male's soft breathing.

Xiao was on his bed with his face burrowed on his pillow. He had finished his Almond Tofu earlier while a lot of thoughts occupied his mind making his supposedly stress-eating time very unpleasant to bear. He decided to just let the plate be and not run into Scaramouche in the living room as he didn't want something similar to happen earlier, he also hoped that his roommate had atleast calmed down and not eager to fight him as much as Xiao wanted to as well.

It's not like they've actually gotten to a full on fist fight having both Zhongli and Ei involved just to stop them, ofcourse not haha...

He actually wanted to switch dorm mate's before as it seems that having two males with severe problems wasn't really a good idea, but ofcourse the school didn't allow him as he also requested if he can switch to be your dorm mate instead so now he's stuck with Scaramouche until the end of his school days.

Back to the present, Xiao was trying to think of ways to face you especially after what Scaramouche had said to you. He knew you'd bother him with it, he was actually debating whether he'll straight up say that he has feelings for you or avoid you until he's ready to face you. But the latter seemed rude and unreasonable even for him.

If it weren't for a certain annoying bowl-cut he wouldn't have to worry so much right now, just right on cue Xiao's phone lit up as a notification showed on his screen which was beside him.

He slowly lifted his head out of the pillow to look at his phone and groaned when he saw the contact, he nevertheless opened it and read the message.

9:39 pm

Kunikuzushi 👎
U idiot I'm not done with u

Tsk seen all u want

Just remember I did u both
a favor

I'm going out have fun being
alone in this hell hole of
a place

Sighing and closing off his phone,

'Doesn't he also live here? Whatever'

Xiao switched his laying position so now he was facing the plain old ceiling of his room, with his roommate going out he can finally think in peace with no distractions whatsoever. Maybe come up with solutions to his problems right now, it was such a pain that he had to deal with the outcomes of his poorly made decisions but this is life afterall, you don't get what you want.

Now about you, would he take the risk again and confess this time without backing out? He honestly wants this all to end, he was done, he doesn't even care if you'll return his feelings or not at this point. He just wants to relieve himself of the heavy pull at his heart, surely getting rejected wouldn't be that bad right? Oh how wrong he was.

He would just confess and not expect positive results, you both could stay friends if you don't return his feelings. Sure it would hurt a lot for him but he's dealt with worse he'll just have to deal with it.

But what if you reciprocate his feelings?


He never really thought about it, you returning his feelings would make him feel very...happy, something like that very often feeling he gets when your just smiling, laughing, heck even just standing so close to him makes his stomach flutter. He absolutely dreads the feeling but also wants more of it.

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