ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 41

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You were peacefully sleeping and enjoying your dream when you felt something or someone gently shake your shoulder.


You hear someone say as your dream slowly faded and all you could see was all black due to your eyes still being closed.

You groaned in annoyance that you didn't get to see what'll happen next in your dream.


You heard the same voice again, the same voice who made your wonderful dream disappear.

Slowly, you opened your eyes and winced a little when you saw how bright it was.

"Y/n, y/n, wake up."


Your eyes were still blurry and your mind was elsewhere to register what was happening, feeling hazy from just waking up..

You heard someone infront of you sigh heavily, "Good, you're finally awake."

Your eyes gradually got less blurry and you could see that someone was indeed standing infront of you.

"Albedo..?" you squint your eyes at the person, who you still couldn't see clearly.

At the mention of the name, the person infront of you visibly narrowed their eyes but you couldn't see it due to your slow clearing of eyes.

"...Wait no." you say immediately.

You then saw amber eyes intently looking at you, dark teal highlighted hair flowing thanks to the wind.

"Woah, Albedo but prettier..." you said mindlessly.

The amber eyed person immediately tense up at your comment. A light blush covered their ears.

"Stop saying non-sense."

Then the person raised their hand and suddenly flicked your forehead lightly.

You blinked. Just one simple blink. Your eyesight cleared and you could see who it was standing infront of you,

"Oh, hey Xiao."

He sighed, "Just one flick and you already know who I am. Maybe I should do that more often when I wake you up next time."

You blinked again and it finally registered to you that Xiao was indeed standing right infront of you, not just standing infront of you but with his face oddly too close to your own.

Your eyes widened, "XIAO!?"

His eye twitched when you suddenly yelled, "What?"

A huge blush covered your face.

He was just few inches away from your face, from your nose touching with his.

'What the hell!?'
you panicked in your mind, wanting to push his face away from yours but you couldn't move and was frozen in your place.


He raised his eyebrow at your silence, "You okay?"

'I am clearly okay!'

'Totally not freaking out right now.'

'It's not like if one of us moves closer we'll be kissing already...'

"No. No I'm not." you say, smiling nervously.

"Wait shoot—I meant I feel fine!" you panic, obviously still afraid to move.

ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ( xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ) × ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ ×Where stories live. Discover now