ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

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Soundly sleeping at bed, only the sounds of vehicles running and birds chirping could be heard from outside.

Then a knock could be heard from the door.

No response.

Another knock,

"It's me, it's almost time for your day out remember?"

Being disrupted from the said person's sleep, they groaned and layed down on their stomach with the pillow over their head.

"Hello Y/n?"
Another knock was heard from the door of your dorm.

Silently cursing out the archons for not letting you sleep more, you then removed the pillow on the back of your head and looked at the door saying a quiet and raspy "Who is it?"

"It's your dormmate, Ningguang."

Being only woken up your mind was a bit cloudy so you ended up thinking to yourself 'Huh? I thought I live with my parents?'

You sat up straight looking around your room, noticing the window next to your bed you saw that the sun was still halfway of rising.

"Are you fully awake now?"

You then turned to look back at the door and suddenly remembered about Ningguang.
You get off your bed to go open the door to see what she needed, slowly opening the door revealing the tall female dressed in a rather formal manner when the sun hasn't really risen up fully yet.

Yawning slightly you rubbed your eyes while looking at her giving her a questionable look.

"You don't remember do you?"
You shook your head as she chuckled at your actions.

"Last night you told me to remind you about the celebration for Shikanoin Heizou's Birthday when I wake up before going to go to the company"

'Heizou's Birthday?..'


Widening your eyes you completely forgot it was today, Thanking Ningguang multiple times and her leaving for her part-time job with a last "I hope you greet a happy birthday and best wishes to Shikanoin from me." You head back to your room to prepare for the day as it'll be hectic while doing so you take a look at your phone seeing a bunch of messages from Xiao this early in the morning.


Sent at 3:45 am

U awake?
Sent at 4:06 am

Oh shoot srry
Ur probably asleep
Sent at 4:28 am

What the-
Xiao??Why the heck
we're u awake at 3 am still 🤨

Oh morning Y/n

Ah yes morning to u too
Did u even sleep??

Not rlly

Is it back again?

Uhh yea kind of

If you're tired we can
just tell them we can't go
so u can rest

No need
you've been
wanting to catch up with
Shikanoin right?
I can function without
one day of sleep

I mean yea-
Sleep is important
something might happen
to u

Dw nothing will happen
to me
I'll come and pick u up
at 8 am

Hhh if u say so
Liked by Xiao🖤🥀

"Ready to go?"
Xiao says standing infront of your shared dorm.

"Yeah uhh"
You answer and look at him, even though he hasn't gotten sleep he still looks hot- I mean okay but there's a subtle look of tiredness in his eyes.

"Are you sure you don't wanna rest instead of going? We could always come another time.."
Worry could be heard from your voice and Xiao couldn't help but sigh as he puts his hand on top of your head.

"I told you I'll be fine don't worry" he says while his hand still on top of your head.

Caught off guard by the sudden action you look at him with widened eyes and rosey colored cheeks.

"Oh um.." avoiding eye contact with the person infront of you, Xiao seems to notice what he did and retract his hand from your head.

"Uh sorry"
He said as he coughed a little and put both his hands on his pockets.

"Alright.. Let's go!"
You say while you speed walk out of there with Xiao trailing from behind telling you to slow down.

'Nope my day just started and I'm already close to exploding'


Another chapter for everyone✨
It's actually Heizou's Bday today so Happy Birthday Heizou!!

I'll post one or two more chapters today for the continuation so watch out 👀


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