ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 34

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"So... Where are they?" you slowly asked, turning to look at Venti who was looking around for the rest of your friend group.

You stared at him for a few more minutes, blinking and waiting for him to realize he was the one you were asking.

Venti, who was still clueless, searched around the crowded cafeteria. Hoping to see his very humorous friend.

When he didn't see her he pouted and slumped his shoulders, exhaling rather loudly.

He turned his head around to look at you, "Where are they?..."

Venti noticed you looking at him expectedly and bored, "...Something on my face?"

You sighed as he turned to look at Xiao who was right beside you, his face stoic and looked so strained that Venti couldn't help but snort a little.

"I asked that first." you said and noticed him stopping his incoming laugh. You looked beside you to see what Venti was trying to stop him from laughing and saw Xiao's face.

"You alright Xiao?" you asked him as he side-eyed you. You guessed what was bothering him but didn't say anything else than that.

"...Yeah," he hesitantly said. "Just too many people." he mumbled lowering his head down, hoping you didn't hear it. You weren't able to since it was loud with so many students chattering with each other in the cafeteria.

But luckily for him was that you knew Xiao well enough at this point and immediately knew why he was making such a face like that.

Too many people, crowded, the noisiness of the students and how cramped it looked would all be the things that Xiao was being troubled by. Though you figured he didn't wanna be a bother and leave the place when your other friends were there.

"Right... do you wanna go some place more quieter?" you suggested while Xiao raised his head a little and looked at you.

"..Up to you." he said looking away.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me?" Venti, who you completely forgot was standing beside you, he waved his hand infront of you.

"Oh oops sorry, what was that?" you now turned your attention to him as he sighed tiredly.

"Geez maybe next time I won't hang around the both of you anymore..." Venti mumbled which prompted you to raise your eyebrow as you didn't understand what he said.

"Anywayys, I texted Hu Tao and she said that they moved spots to the big huge maple tree since Kazuha was getting uncomfortable with how much people were inside." He said, "Tomo actually recommended and noticed that with how Kazuha looked severely uncomfortable so they moved, great best friends am I right?" he continued sighing dreamly which made you deadpan at his actions.

"Uh-huh.." you said, it wasn't like Venti was the same with Hu Tao. Totally...

"Well let's go there then?" you asked while the other two just nodded, one nodding happily while the other nodded subtly.

While the three of you were walking on the way there Venti decided to start a conversation since the silence was unbearable for him.

"Sooo," he started in a sing songy voice. "Nice weather ain't I right?"

Both you and Xiao immediately deadpanned at him.



You and Xiao looked at each other processing the way you both said it at the same time as Venti wore a blank expression.

After a few seconds you chuckled as Xiao lightly shaked his head with a not so noticeable smile on his face.

ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴀʟʟ ( xɪᴀᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ) × ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ ×Where stories live. Discover now